No limits to adventurism. They are gambling with the very existence of the Human Race…

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 

It seems that President Biden, facing his biological end, thought he might as well take all of humanity with him! 

What can one say, and what can one write, about the American President’s decision to authorize his proxy, the Ukrainian President—and, in many ways, de facto dictator—Volodymyr Zelensky (whose term has long expired and who remains in power unlawfully) to use Western weapons to strike deep within Russia? This is a task Zelensky cannot accomplish without NATO personnel, and as President Putin’s reasonable warning suggests, it could escalate into a direct war between NATO and Russia. This warning was accompanied by a revision of Russia’s nuclear doctrine, broadening the conditions under which nuclear weapons could be used. 

Putin is bluffing, say the foolish and irresponsible figures that make up the current political class of the West, which has emerged from an elaborate personnel selection process within an increasingly totalitarian system, having largely been “appointed” in reality by the “International of Finance” that governs our world, rather than arising from a process of conflict of various ideas and projects inside society, or even from within the ruling oligarchy itself. 

But the only way to find out whether Putin is bluffing is to play Russian roulette, poker, with the very existence of humanity. We have long been caught in a process of mutual escalation that traps both sides in a situation where neither can easily back down, but increases also the risk of nuclear conflict from error or miscalculation. This process of constant escalation inevitably leads to nuclear devastation if we do not stop it. One wonders what do they expect Putin to do if Russia begins to be hit deeper by the West? Do they expect him to surrender? Do they expect him to quietly watch the Western escalation without reacting? Or will he escalate the conflict himself, in one way or another? And what will the Western powers do when Putin escalates? 

From the outset, the policy of overthrowing a nuclear superpower’s regime, using the Ukrainian people as “cannon fodder,” was destined to fail. The Americans could not overthrow the regimes of Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, or Cuba; what makes them think they could overthrow the Russian regime? 

Precisely because the constant escalation of the war gradually, if not inevitably, leads to the nuclear destruction of Europe, if not humanity itself, we must stop it now. And the way to stop it is by entering negotiations, not escalating with new offensive actions. The points we made back in July 2022 ( , which were echoed by a number of critical intellectuals from around the world, are now more relevant than ever and have been absolutely confirmed in the two or more years since then. NATO’s policy has not provided any real assistance to Ukraine; it has only contributed to the further destruction of the country under the guise of supporting it. 

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And because NATO’s leaders, and those who make the real decisions behind them, are not as foolish as they try to convince us, their real motivation is certainly not the “salvation” of the devastated Ukraine, which had already suffered a great deal of destruction before all this began, as a result of the neoliberal policies imposed by the IMF and the looting by the domestic pro-Western oligarchy and Western multinationals. The real goal, from the very beginning of the Ukrainian crisis, was the weakening and destruction of the Russian state, and the replacement of Putin’s regime with a pro-Western, banana republic regime, even more subservient than that of Boris Yeltsin. The least they want now is to avoid admitting defeat in Ukraine, which they correctly believe will be a serious blow to their goal of global domination—not for the people, but for the ruling classes of the “collective West.”

 But is it worth risking the existence of humanity just to get Ukraine into NATO?


What can one say about other equally absurd figures, such as the former Rothschild banker Emmanuel Macron and the socialist turncoat—if he was ever truly a socialist—Keir Starmer, who are currently leading France and Britain? Both rushed to praise Biden’s decision and, as vassal states of the U.S. and the financial elites, immediately permitted the use of British and French weapons by Zelensky’s regime (with, it must be noted, some reservation from the French Foreign Minister). And what can one say about Poland, which leads the charge in anti-Russian fanaticism, even though it is the first to face the risk of being wiped off the map if a nuclear war were to break out in Europe? 

Fortunately, something seems to be moving in Germany, where Chancellor Scholz, with the support of the Social Democrats, finally decided to have a phone conversation with Putin, only to be sabotaged by his Foreign Minister, green in words but black in soul and politics.

 Still, Germany’s efforts to differentiate itself remain minimal and represent a minority position, even within Europe, unable to halt the Armageddon machine that has already been set in motion. We must repeat once more: the USA, along with the International of Money that seems to control them, are now risking nuclear war and the annihilation of humanity to prevent the West from being defeated in Ukraine and to secure Kyiv’s membership in NATO. They are utterly indifferent to what happens in Ukraine or Europe. After all, the only thing their policy has accomplished so far is the destruction of Ukraine, all while masquerading as its defender. 

Disagreement or Collusion between Trump and Biden? 

Trump’s son appeared and criticized the American military-industrial complex for pushing the war. There is no such issue. The U.S. armed forces, as we have explained in many of our articles, are the most conservative, serious, and rational players both regarding the Ukraine war and the wars (massacres) in the Middle East, because they continue to operate under the logic of a “nation-state,” even if imperialistic, and not under the logic of a totalitarian “Empire of Money” and the various monsters that represent it, like those approving or carrying out the repetition of the Holocaust in the Middle East. The war industries might want to prolong the conflict, but we do not believe, and there is no evidence to suggest, that the U.S. military underestimates the risk and consequences of a nuclear war.

 But here, Trump the father must speak, not Trump the son. As of the time this is written, there has been no such statement. If he disagrees, he must demand the cancellation of Biden’s order (and that of his other servants, like Macron and Starmer) and hold him accountable for whatever happens. 

If this does not happen, this would mean that he is deceiving us too, that he is a fraud. Wasn’t it Trump himself who pretended, during his first term, to be a friend of Russia, while arming Ukraine to the teeth and making sure that the Minsk agreements were never implemented? It was not under Trump that the INF treaty was abolished? 

If Trump reacts strongly to Biden’s decision in the coming hours, it will mean that this was a unilateral initiative of the “globalist trend” of global imperialism – totalitarianism.

 If he does not react, it will mean that there is collusion between Biden and Trump, both instruments of the behind-the-scenes global power of the great, international financial capital, despite their individual differences. 

This conclusion is supported by the fact that Trump’s newly appointed National Security Advisor, Mike Waltz, recently proposed this escalation policy that Biden is now implementing, including the permission to strike deep into Russian territory with Western missiles, supposedly to bring both sides to the negotiating table 

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One hopes that the U.S. armed forces will intervene again, at least limiting the use of Western missiles. Normally, we should have already seen all these “clowns” pretending to be politicians, party leaders, union heads, analysts, and intellectuals (of the fire) out on the streets demanding an end to Washington’s Russian roulette with the very existence of humanity. What do all those public figures, parties, or organizations doing? If they have nothing to say about the top issue facing humanity, what else do they have to say? Why do we need them? 

In the past, Western capitalism may have had, along with its many faults, some benefits. Today, seeing what this system, which has dominated the whole Globe for 500 years, is doing with nuclear weapons, with Palestine, with the climate, with pollution, with debt, with the Global South, anyone with even minimal conscience understands that its time is up, that it has turned into a cancer eating the body it feeds on, poisoning the global community, destroying our civilization, and threatening our very existence.

 A hundred years ago, Rosa Luxemburg posed the dilemma facing humanity: Socialism or Barbarism. If she were alive today, she would say: Socialism (or whatever other name you choose) or the End of Humanity.

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