Dec 6, 2024
A mini-documentary on the background of the Ukraine conflict follows Jeffrey Sachs’ lecture at the Cambridge Union. The journey begins in the...
Throughout 2024, Ukraine and its armed forces have been shaken by corruption scandals, primarily related to orders of military supplies for the Armed Forces...
Dec 29, 2024
Alors que l'affrontement entre le futur ex-président de la Géorgie et le gouvernement se profile et que l'Europe et les États-Unis sanctionnent...
Par Bruno GUIGUE
Dec 10, 2024
Avec le soutien massif d’un pays-membre de l’OTAN, la Turquie d’Erdogan, qui rêve depuis longtemps d’annexer le Nord de la...
By Dmitri Kovalevich *
Dec 15, 2024
At the beginning of December, almost all Ukrainian politicians were endlessly promoting NATO membership for Ukraine. Ukrainians were told...
Mark Rutte said the alliance needs to adopt a 'wartime mindset' and suggested cutting spending on pensions and healthcare
by Dave DeCamp
December 12,...
Iran is now the key to the world situation
By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
In my previous article on Syria I argued that there is a "Damascus-Tehran (not...