Tuesday, 22 October , 2024


The “Delphi Initiative” is a network of mainly (but not exclusively) European thinkers who oppose the attempt of international finance and international corporations to impose totalitarian control over Europe. We believe that this is what the present day “European elites” are trying to accomplish. This is the real “agenda” behind the “Debt Wars” against specific European nations, behind the radical transformation of the EU into a structure dominated by big banks and, also, behind the abortive TTIP.

Our thinkers also reject policies promoting war, which are not but the external corollary of the “social war” launched inside the European Union against its popular and even middle classes. They reject the new Cold War against Russia (or China tomorrow), the Hot War against the Arab and Muslim world and, of course, the War against Nature, organised by big international corporations, international finance and the many governments and states controlled by them.

Interventions in the Middle East have led not only to the almost complete destruction of some important states in the region, but also provoked a serious refugee crisis and terrorist attacks in Europe, with the latter now used as “perfect pretexts” to curtail  the democratic rights of people in Europe and to attack, once more, specific European nations, thus advancing the project of turning the  EU into a totalitarian structure (or, alternatively, destroying it by a chaotic procedure into a myriad of small states, clashing among themselves and unable to oppose globalisation, neoliberalism and imperialism).

The more totalitarian the EU becomes, the more its peoples and nations are losing their rights and power, thus making it easier to launch new wars against Russia, Islam or Nature.

The idea of a “Delphi Initiative” was born out of the discussions during an international conference, held near Delphi, Greece, in June 2015, just weeks before the culmination of the Greek crisis. The conference was devoted to the need for an elaborate strategy to develop national and European strategies and alternatives against “euroliberalism” and, also, to coordinate actions against wars against Russia or in the Middle East ( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnzRNIZ79dczuuJStgo3tFw).

Our aim is to facilitate exchange of news and views about EU and international crises, in both their “internal” (including ecological) and their “external” dimensions, especially on the three “fronts” directly affecting Europe (relations with Russia and BRICS, Middle East, world economy) and to help a serious dialogue between like-minded persons and forces, towards the elaboration of a coherent alternative to “euroliberalism”.

We named our website “defend.democracy.press”, because the question of democracy, of who really holds power in Europe now, both inside our states and in the Union, is really the crux of the matter. What we witness, especially since the beginning of the EU crisis, in 2009-10, but also with events in Ukraine or the Middle East, is the result of a long and silent “coup d’état”, which has allowed the most radical and politically coherent wing of finance to control to a large extent our states, governments and the EU institutions, often in alliance with geopolitical centres of power outside Europe. If we prove unable to take back this power, European civilisation, or what still remains of it, is doomed to perish. The whole world will suffer as a result.

The Delphi Initiative is supported by the World Forum of Alternatives, the Institute for Globalization Studies and Social Movements (Russia), the Lyssarides Foundation (Cyprus), the Athens Development and Governance Institute and the website Agora-dialogue.com.

We also emphasise that we do not post on our website only materials with which we agree, but any we consider of some importance.

Participants and friends of the “Delphi Initiative” do not have any wish (or any possibility for that matter!) to “replace” existing parties or other structures. The Delphi Initiative remains open to cooperation with anybody interested also in its goals. We are deeply convinced of the need for the widest possible cooperation for the achievement of our goals and also of the necessity of not avoiding any subject, but of discussing deeply and frankly, without preconditions a priori exclusions, all problems we face. We are definitely against any sort of “political” or other “correctness”.

Editorial Board

Prof. Michael Hudson

Boris Kagarlitsky

Prof. Darwis Khudori

Dimitris Konstantakopoulos

Prof. Leo Gabriel

Roula Moutselou

Steffen Stierle

Tatjana Zdanoka (MEP)