Global University for Sustainability

Communique of Founding Members Community
.28 (1 January 2022)

On this first day of the new year 2022, we would like to wish you peace, health and happiness. May there be empathy and solidarity in striving for a world without injustice and suffering, in harmony with nature.  

In the year 2021, without much choice, many activities have gone online. Global U participated in the January 2021 World Social Forum and the 7th South South Forum on Sustainability, organized the Venezuela lecture series, as well as produced books and edited videos.  

Global U books for free downloads  

We have uploaded books published by Global U or Monthly Review Press for free downloads, either paying for the copyright or waiving the royalties. Please inform more people of the free downloads at  

Wen Tiejun, Ten Crises: The Political Economy of China’s Development (1949-2020), Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. Palgrave MacMillan website: (8,900 downloads); Global U website: (4,158 downloads)  

Samir Amin, The Long Revolution of the Global South: Toward a New Anti-Imperialist International, Monthly Review, 2019. Global U website: (1,816 downloads)  

The following at  

Dierckxsens, Piqueras, et. al, 200 Years of Marx: Capitalism in Decline, 2019.   

Carlos Tablada Perez, The Biography of Francois Houtart, 2018.  

M.P. Parameswaran, Dreams Without An Expiry Date, 2016.  

Darwis Khudori ed, Bandung at 60: New Insights and Emerging Forces, 2015.   

Lawrence Grossberg, We All Want to Change the World, 2015.  

You are most welcome to send e-copies of your books or articles to be made available on the Global U website.  

The 8th South-South Forum on Sustainability (SSFS8)  

Most proceedings have been edited and available on:  


Read also:
Les Gilets Jaunes au Maroc


Global U runs three youtube channels:  

In English:  

In Chinese:  

In Spanish:  

“Global U” on weixin (in Chinese):  

“Global U” channel on Bilibili  

Global U’s sister channel produces at least four videos every week. We hope to introduce Global U authors to the Chinese communities. Some videos have been edited with Chinese and English subtitles. For example:  

David Harvey with Wen Tiejun and Michael Hudson: “The ‘double consciousness’ of capital”  

Part 1:        [89,000 viewers]  

Part 2:         [77,000 viewers]  

Part 3:    [90,000 viewers]  

Part 4:     [156,000 viewers]  

Michael Hudson: “De-dollarization: toward the end of US monetary hegemony”  

Part 1  [155,000 viewers]  

Part 2  [122,000 viewers]  

Part 3  [128,000 viewers]  

Part 4  [163,000 viewers]  

Part 5  [247,000 viewers]  

Gustavo Esteva: “The politics of hope” (117,000 viewers)  

Gustavo Esteva: “Friendship, hope and surprise: the keys for the new era”  

Part 1: (47,000 viewers)  

Part 2: (51,000 viewers)  

The weekly video of Dai Jinhua receives an average of 150,000 viewers, and that of Wen Tiejun an average of 500,000 viewers.

 Global University for Sustainability Book Series with Palgrave Macmillan  

After publishing the first volume of the series: Wen Tiejun’s Ten Crises: The Political Economy of China’s Development (1949-2020), Global U will soon publish the second volume: Remy Herrera’s Money: From the power of finance to the sovereignty of the peoples. Manuscripts are welcome!    

South South Dialogue on Sustainability Series  

Starting from 20 Jan 2022, we will have a new monthly series of South South Dialogue on Sustainability on the third or fourth Thursday every month, with seven episodes. Javier Vargas and Kathryn Seib Vargas will be speaking on “Experiences with indigenous communities in Chiapas: Cosmovision and sustainability”. Like the Venezuela Series, it will be conducted in Spanish, with simultaneous interpreting into English and Putonghua, and live-streaming.  

Global U Fellows  

In 2015 when Global U was officially inaugurated, fermenting since 2010, we had 200 Founding Members. It is recommended that people who have been actively involved in Global U activities be invited as Fellows so that there could be a larger community with dynamic intellectual interactions and debates. Please feel free to use the Global U google group, announce your activities, and make recommendations on how Global U could be relevant to your work. Please also let the Executive team know if you would like to join the “Global U Friends” whatsapp group.  

We have been running all these projects on donations from individuals. Any volunteer work or financial support you may give is welcome.

Take good care, stay safe, and with very warm regards,

Read also:
Israel-Palestine war: Is China's 'neutrality' helpful or harmful?

Kin Chi  

On behalf of the Executive Team at  

We remind our readers that publication of articles on our site does not mean that we agree with what is written. Our policy is to publish anything which we consider of interest, so as to assist our readers  in forming their opinions. Sometimes we even publish articles with which we totally disagree, since we believe it is important for our readers to be informed on as wide a spectrum of views as possible.