Saturday, 27 July , 2024


Michel Pablo et l’expérience soviétique

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos En lisant attentivement les multiples hommages, généralement élogieux, que la presse grecque a rendu à Michel Raptis (Pablo) lors de son...

Five articles on Al. Buzgalin and the Soviet/Russian Perestroika/Katastroika

Aleksandr Buzgalin and his time. The Soviet/Russian tragedy Do we need Marxism? Marxism and Stalinism USSR 1989-91: The “democratic counter-revolution” of the nomenklatura Marxism, nation and nationalism,...

Samir Amin’s last two battles

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Shortly before his death, in a series of writings, Samir Amin unfolded the two issues that mainly concerned him. The first was...

October Revolution: The first general recognition of women’s equality in History

The land of the October revolution: a country of women walking on the road to emancipation By Armağan Tulunay Take the position of women. In this...

Marxism, nation and nationalism, Western and Russian Left

by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos This is the fourth of four articles on Alexandr Buzgalin and his era, the Soviet/Russian tragedy. You can read the three preceding...

The Greek Left and the adoption of children by homosexuals

The Greek Left is deeply divided on the question of the marriage of homosexuals and of the adoption of children by homosexuals. SYRIZA, PASOK...

USSR 1989-91: The “democratic counter-revolution” of the nomenklatura

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos  Third of four articles on Alexandr Buzgalin and his era. The Soviet/Russian tragedy. You can read the first article here and...


By  Rowan Cahill Sep. 19, 2023 At Sydney University in 1970 Hall Greenland and I were part of a small Master of Arts (History) class tended...

Centenaire de la mort de Lénine : découvrez l’édition spéciale de...

Pour le centenaire de la mort du révolutionnaire russe, RP Dimanche a concocté une édition spéciale avec un retour sur la question palestinienne à...

Do we need Marxism? Marxism and Stalinism

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos In my previous article on Alexandr Buzgalin and his time, the Perestroika turned Katastroika ( I put the question if Marxism is...