Friday, 7 March , 2025


Centenaire de la mort de Lénine : découvrez l’édition spéciale de...

Pour le centenaire de la mort du révolutionnaire russe, RP Dimanche a concocté une édition spéciale avec un retour sur la question palestinienne à...

Do we need Marxism? Marxism and Stalinism

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos In my previous article on Alexandr Buzgalin and his time, the Perestroika turned Katastroika ( I put the question if Marxism is...

Aleksandr Buzgalin and his time. The Soviet/Russian tragedy

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos  I started writing this farewell to my friend Aleksandr Buzgalin (*), whom I had known since the perestroika times, while I was...

Maxime Rodinson: What Marxism Can Teach Us About the History of...

Between the nineteen fifties and nineties, Maxime Rodinson (1915–2004) was one of France’s most famous Arabists. Gifted with an admirable encyclopedic culture, author of...

Alexandr Buzgalin (1954 – 2023)

Alexander Vladimirovich Buzgalin (Russian: Александр Владимирович Бузгалин; 19 July 1954 – 18 October 2023) was a Russian Marxist. He was a professor at the...

Michel Pablo: The Arab Revolution

This is not meant to be a really complete and exhaustive report on the Arab revolution. It is rather an introduction to the question...

21st Century Capital – Post-Soviet Marxist Reflections

Authors Alexander Buzgalin and Andrei Kolganov in discussion with David Lane, Radhika Desai and David Kotz How would Marx have understood twenty-first-century capitalism? For...

The New Imperialist Structure

by Samir Amin Contemporary capitalism is a capitalism of generalized monopolies. What I mean by that is that monopolies no longer form islands (important as...

Libération nationale ou lutte des classes

Des penseurs révolutionnaires comme Friedrich Engels ou Rosa Luxemburg se sont interrogés sur les divergences possibles entre les revendications nationalistes et les impératifs de...

Back to the Dark Ages. The case of Indonesia

Indonesia Outlaws Adultery, Communism, Marxism, Most Abortions The Indonesian parliament has passed a law criminalizing adultery after Tuesday’s revision of the country’s penal code which...