The new Dark Ages. Sweden is demolishing “democracy”, “human rights” and state sovereignty and independence

Sweden extradites Kurdish refugee to Turkey amid NATO bid

By Karwan Faidhi Dri
Dec 3. 2022
Sweden on Friday extradited a Kurdish refugee to Turkey as Ankara keeps pressuring the Nordic country to meet its demands in return for NATO membership. The refugee is among dozens of people wanted in Turkey for terror-related charges, according to Turkish state media.
Sweden and Finland made bids to enter NATO after Russia launched a major military offensive against Ukraine in February. Both Scandinavian countries were already close partners of NATO but by joining it they would gain the support of 30 member countries if attacked by their foe, Russia, or any other country. The military alliance makes its decisions by consensus, meaning that both countries require the blessing of all 30 countries. Only Turkey refused to vote for the bids.
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Sweden fulfils Turkish demand

Dec 3. 2022
Sweden has extradited to Türkiye a man convicted in his home country of being a member of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which Ankara considers a terrorist organization, the Anadolu news agency reported on Saturday. The move comes amid attempts by Stockholm to address Türkiye’s concerns over Sweden’s NATO application.
The man, identified as Mahmut Tat, was flown by plane from a detention center in Molndal on Sweden’s western coast to Türkiye’s largest city Istanbul on Friday, according to the agency.
Tat had been sentenced to six years and ten months in prison by a Turkish court after being arrested on charges of being a member of the Union of Kurdish Communities, an umbrella group that unites several Kurdish organizations, including the PKK. However, he managed to flee Türkiye and tried to obtain asylum in Sweden in 2015. His application was turned down, but he remained in the Nordic country. He was reportedly arrested by the Swedish police in late November.
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