Kaliningrad: Provoking Russia

Russia demands Lithuania lift transit ban against Kaliningrad region

MOSCOW, June 20. /TASS/. Moscow demands that Vilnius lift its ban on the rail transit of goods to the Baltic Sea exclave of Kaliningrad, otherwise reserving the right to take retaliatory action, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Monday.
“We pointed out in this regard that if the transit of goods between the Kaliningrad region and the rest of Russia through Lithuania is not fully restored, Russia reserves the right to take action to protect its national interests,” the ministry said in a statement after summoning Lithuania’s Charge d Affaires Virginija Umbrasene.
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Lithuanians Stick New Finger in Eye of Russian Bear

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Lithuania is trying to create new “facts on the ground,” hoping to provoke the kind of response from Russia that will determine tone and substance of the important NATO summit scheduled for June 28-30 in Madrid.
On June 17 the Lithuanians announced they were banning the rail transit of goods through Lithuania to the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad. The ban went into effect on June 18. Sandwiched between EU and NATO members Poland and Lithuania, Kaliningrad receives supplies from Russia via rail and gas pipelines through Lithuania including goods sanctioned by the EU.
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Russia threatens ‘serious consequences’ as Lithuania blocks rail goods

Daniel Boffey
21 Jun 2022
The head of the Kremlin’s security council has threatened the “population of Lithuania” in an escalation of the row over Lithuanian railway’s refusal to allow some goods to cross to the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad.
After a meeting in the region, which is wedged between Lithuania and Poland, 800 miles from Moscow, Nikolai Patrushev, a close ally to Vladimir Putin, upped the rhetoric by threatening “serious consequences”.
“Russia will certainly respond to such hostile actions,” Patrushev said. “Appropriate measures … will be taken in the near future … Their consequences will have a serious negative impact on the population of Lithuania.”
Continue reading atwww.theguardian.com

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The Ukraine: The USA is responsible for the escalation and must stop it before provoking a world war

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