Germany: Reactions to peace manifesto

By Arnold Schölzel

What happened? Even Gregor Gysi has now signed the “Manifesto for Peace” by Sahra Wagenknecht and Alice Schwarzer. On Thursday evening, the Left Party Executive Committee will discuss a statement. Tendency in advance: majority in favor – also for the large rally on February 25 in Berlin. The district executive committee Berlin-Mitte of the party is to support this also. The Berlin regional party leadership, on the other hand, is in favor of supplying weapons to Kiev. They and Gysi have been fighting those in the party who opposed the “turn of the times” armament plans since Feb. 24, 2022. Some left-wing members of the Bundestag prevented the parliamentary group majority from approving the war credits. Gysi attributed to them, by means of a media mob, “complete lack of emotion regarding the war of aggression, the dead, the wounded and the suffering” and “old ideology,” namely “NATO is evil, the U.S. is evil, the federal government is evil and that’s the end of it for you.” This is how poorly it goes in all major German media. The left-wing majority still combined insults with sabotage of any reasonable discussion.

What has changed? The situation: The economic war of the West against Russia has failed according to IMF statements, that of the USA against the “allies”, especially against the Federal Republic, is successful thanks to the Scholz/Baerbock/Habeck/Lindner blunders. Washington helps with the blowing up of gas pipelines.

However, when the U.S. president was now diagnosed with UFO launching eritis, there was apparently a mild mutiny in parts of the CIA and the U.S. military, and Seymour Hersh presented a smoking gun to everything the world already knew. Even Jürgen Habermas now discovers that “the clock is ticking” on Biden, which translates to nuclear war, and suggests that “the momentum of our military aid, given for good reasons,” may be “shedding its defensive character.” The “defensive” is not particularly funny.

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Even in the anti-Russian-bloodthirsty FAZ, however, one can read: Nuclear weapons are not “weapons” in the “conventional understanding”, a war cannot be won with them. According to observers, the battlefield in eastern Ukraine looks like the one before Verdun in the First World War. Still, U.S. protectionism, which Emmanuel Macron has called “super aggressive,” is, broken pipelines notwithstanding, allowing something like thinking to return to EU-Europe.

All together reasons to mobilize against the war party ruling in this country. Moreover, according to Forsa, 59 percent of the population is against the delivery of heavy weapons to Kiev. More than 500,000 signatures under the Wagenknecht/Schwarzer manifesto are possibly the strongest argument for people who want to be re-elected. Doesn’t matter if they stick with it. A real large-scale rally on February 25 will help immensely.

Also read

More on the German Peace Manifesto

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