Peace negotiations: Wagenknecht and Schwarzer draft a manifesto for peace

11 Feb 2023

In a manifesto for peace, left-wing politician Sahra Wagenknecht and publicist Alice Schwarzer call for an end to arms deliveries to Ukraine. They are also calling for a rally on February 25 in Berlin.

Left-wing politician Sahra Wagenknecht and publicist Alice Schwarzer have written a “Manifesto for Peace”. At the beginning of the text, which was published on the petition platform on Friday, it says that today is the 352nd day of the war in Ukraine.

“If the fighting continues like this, Ukraine will soon be a depopulated, devastated country.”

Wagenknecht and Schwarzer also referred to the more than 200,000 soldiers and 50,000 civilians who are said to have died in the fighting. A “whole people is traumatized”:

“And many people across Europe are afraid of the war escalating. They fear for their and their children’s future.”

Wagenknecht and Schwarzer also said that the Ukrainian population had been “brutally attacked by Russia” and needed “our solidarity”. In the opinion of the two, however, this could not consist of arms deliveries.

“President Selenskyj makes no secret of his goal. After the promised tanks, he is now also demanding fighter jets, long-range missiles and warships – in order to defeat Russia across the board? The German Chancellor still assures that he does not want to send fighter jets or ‘ground troops’. But how many ‘red lines’ have already been crossed in recent months?”

It is to be feared that Russian President Vladimir Putin “will launch a maximum retaliation at the latest in the event of an attack on Crimea,” said Schwarzer and Wagenknecht. Ukraine can win individual battles, but not a war against the world’s largest nuclear power. Therefore, the war must end at the negotiating table. However, negotiating does not mean capitulating:

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“Negotiating means making compromises on both sides. With the aim of preventing hundreds of thousands more deaths and worse. We think so too, and half of the German population thinks so too. It’s time to listen to us!”

Finally it says:

“We call on the Chancellor to stop the escalation in arms deliveries. Now! He should lead a strong alliance for a ceasefire and peace negotiations at German and European level. Now! Because every lost day costs up to 1,000 more lives – and brings us closer to a 3rd World War.”

The manifesto has so far been signed by 69 well-known personalities, among the first to sign is the historian Peter Brandt (son of Willy Brandt), the political scientist Christoph Butterwegge, the publisher of the Berlin newspaper Holger Friedrich, the theologian Margot Käßmann, the former left-wing Politician Oskar Lafontaine, the musician Reinhard Mey, the politician Martin Sonneborn (Die PARTEI), the politician Jürgen Todenhöfer, the retired Brigadier General Erich Vad and the political scientist Johannes Varwick.

He is also informed that Alice Schwarzer, Sahra Wagenknecht and former Brigadier General Erich Vad have called for a rally at the Brandenburg Gate on February 25th.

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