Sunday, 28 April , 2024


Physics teacher became a pioneer ecologist

Factory worker Alan Roberts returned from war service to gain a degree in physics. While teaching at Monash his passionate opposition to nuclear power...

Une critique radicale du néolibéralisme

par Gabriel Perez L’heure est à la contre-révolution, à la fin d’un Idéal, au début d’une ère qui ne dit pas encore son nom. Pierre...

De Córdoba à Paris: Hugo Moreno. le “Dragon” (1943-2017)

C’est dans l’année qui se termine, que notre bon ami Hugo Moreno est parti. Il était un grand homme et autant, un combattant pour...

Hugo Moreno (1943-2017) | by Carlos Abel Suárez

09/07/2017 Aunque la halles pobre, Ítaca no te ha engañado. Así, sabio como te has vuelto, con tanta experiencia, entenderás ya qué significan las Itacas. Konstantino Kabaphes Ya...

Keynes, Hobson, Marx | by Robert Skidelsky

October 10, 2012 I. President Lyndon Johnson asked John Kenneth Galbraith to write him a speech on economic policy. After glancing at it LBJ said 'You...

The Long Ecological Revolution | by John Bellamy Foster

November 2017 Aside from the stipulation that nature follows certain laws, no idea was more central to the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century, and...

E. Germain (Mandel) The Marxist Theory of Imperialism and its Critics

(August 1955) From Two Essays on Imperialism, New York 1966. Note by D.D.P.: In reality Ernest Germain and Ernest Mandel are one person. Germain is one...

Raoul Peck premieres his film on Karl Marx

On its 100th anniversary of the October Revolution, the Berlinale Film Festival presents a film on Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. "The Young Karl...

Svetozar Markovic and the Origins of Balkan Socialism

Series: Princeton Legacy Library Copyright Date: 1964 Published by: Princeton University Press Pages: 322 Svetozar Markovic, the first genuine socialist in the Balkans, was founder of the Serbian...

Marx and Engels on ecology: A reply to radical critics

Marx and the Earth: An Anti-Critique by Paul Burkett and John Bellamy Foster Haymarket Books, 2017 Reviewed by Chris Williams August 15, 2017 — Links International Journal...