Friday, 19 April , 2024


L’économie Post-Keynésienne: Positionnements, par Jacques Sapir

9 Νovembre 2018 (Ce texte est la première partie d’une recension plus globale de l’ouvrage) L’ouvrage collectif consacré à l’économie postkeynésienne, publié sous la direction de...

A propos des Gilets jaunes

Par Tony Andreani 27 Novembre 2019 Nous sommes entrés dans « l’ère du peuple », selon Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Mais de quel peuple s’agit-il ? Ce n’est pas,...

Covid-19 is killing the GHOST WORKERS of Britain that even the...

By Dr Lisa McKenzie 25 Apr, 2020 17:12 If anything, the coronavirus pandemic has been the opposite of a ‘great equalizer’, throwing class inequality into...

Trump, neo-fascism, and the COVID-19 Pandemic

by Michael D. Yates and John Bellamy Foster Apr. 11, 2020 John Bellamy Foster has the distinction of having expertise in both political economy and ecology,...

Capitalism versus Life on Earth

by Ian Angus November 19, 2019 Environmental destruction isn’t driven by human nature or mistaken ideas. It is an inevitable consequence of a system built on...

No, the coronavirus is not responsible for the fall of stock...

By Eric Toussaint 5 March 2020 We are witnessing a big crisis in the stock markets of the Wall Street, Europe, Japan and Shanghai, and many...

The “Irrepressible Conflict:” Slavery, the Civil War and America’s Second Revolution

By Eric London 9 November 2019 The following lecture was delivered on Tuesday, November 5 at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. It was...

Escape from Freedom

The Paradox of Freedom: The Great Humanistic Philosopher and Psychologist Erich Fromm on Moral Aloneness and Our Mightiest Antidote to Terror “Modern man still is...

A Very Kautsky Christmas

The oppressed of the Middle Ages drew on Christian teachings to develop a moral critique of their era's inequality and unfairness. By Loren Balhorn Dec. 25, 201 Reading...

Socialisme et autogestion (Contribution à une esquisse des fondements de la...

Par Michel Paptis L'autogestion est devenue synonyme de la démocratie socialiste, c'est-à-dire du régime qui caractérise la société de transition succédant au capitalisme. On ne...