Saturday, 27 July , 2024


Mitsotakis peut-il devenir un “Thatcher grec”, et qui le pousse à...

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 8 mars 2021 Le gouvernement grec semble capable - et le seul capable - de provoquer une sorte de révolution dans le pays...

Can Mitsotakis become a “Greek Thatcher”, and who is pushing...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 8 March 2021 The Greek government seems capable  - and the only one capable - of provoking a kind of revolution in the...

Stop Hydrocarbon Exploration in Eastern Mediterranean

Stop Climate Disaster, Keep It In The Ground! No More Fossil Fuel Exploration! photo Credit: Kristina Kasputienė from Pixabay Climate disaster is real. Early this year Australia...

Latest News: Turkey does not claim sovereign rights over Acropolis!

Turkey claims “sovereign rights” over the Greek island of Kastellorizo December 6, 2020 Turkey is claiming “sovereign rights” over the Greek island of Kastellorizo and will...

A qui profite la dette ?

Jan. 21, 2019 Crise grecque. On nous parle d’une dette grecque insoutenable, impayable... mais au fait : à qui cette dette profite ? Qui sont les créanciers...

Greek Doctors Working in Britain Doubled since 2009

By Philip Chrysopoulos Nov 13, 2017 The number of Greek doctors working in the United Kingdom has doubled since 2009, while they are in second place...

65 ans après le coup d’État qui a changé le monde

01/09/2019 Une femme en fauteuil roulant a levé son poing fermé. Dans l’autre main, elle tenait une pancarte portant le signe de la paix. C'était...

US Seizes Four Iranian Tankers, Now En Route to Houston –...

Aug. 13, 2020 US officials told the Wall Street Journal on Thursday that the US had seized four Iranian tankers on the high seas allegedly...

Acropolis Adieu

Mireille Mathieu - Acropolis Adieu. Album Rendezvous, Released 1991. Acropolis adieu Ce soir le vent vient de la mer Septembre est là, l'été s'en va Et le bonheur...

The Delphi Declaration on Greece and Europe – June 2015

European governments, European institutions and the IMF, acting in close alliance with, if not under direct control of, big international banks and other financial...