Greece on Fire

Evacuations in west Athens and Attica as wildfires out of control

Aug 22, 2023

Suburbs in western Athens and villages in Attica were evacuated as of early Tuesday afternoon, factories, storehouses and homes were burned down, parts of highway ring was closed, a local airbase is on alert and the blue Attica sky turned grey due to wildfires in Fyli at the foot of Parnitha Mt, Hasia and Aspropyrgos.
Residents are trying to save themselves and their properties, and people fostering pets are calling for help.
According to the Fire Department, the fire broke out at 11:56 a.m. in an area near the Kleiston Monastery, The Holy Dormition of the Virgin, and spread quickly to fyli due to powerful winds blowing with 7 to 8 Beaufort.
The fire in Aspropyrgos, western Attica, had started around 8 o’ clock in the morning.
So far, 26 firefighters with 13 vehicles are operating, while air forces have also been mobilized.
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Wildfires Leave 27 Dead and 43,000 Hectares Burned in Greece

Aug 22, 2023

The forest fires that have raged in Greece since Saturday have already destroyed more than 43,000 hectares and have claimed the lives of 28 people, 27 of whom may be migrants who burned to death in a forest near the border with Turkey.
On Tuesday, the Immigration Minister Dimitris Kairides confirmed that 18 deceased people are immigrants and assured that this tragedy “confirms the dangers of irregular immigration.”
“All the bodies were found in groups of two or three at a distance of about five hundred meters. Apparently they were trying to escape from the fire,” coroner Pavlos Pavlidi said, adding that two children were among the dead.
Kairides did not comment on eight bodies located together in the Dadia area, nor on another migrant found dead this morning.
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Les villes font pression sur l'UE pour offrir un refuge aux enfants migrants de Grèce

Fire fronts burn in 7 regions in Greece; villages evacuated, houses burned, firefighters injured

Aug 21, 2023

Dozens of fire fronts are burning forests, houses, animal farms and agricultural land across Greece on Monday and hundreds of firefighters are battling the flames. Villages and settlements have been evacuated and roads have been closed to traffic.
The worst enemy of the firefighters are the powerful winds blowing with intensity of 7 to 8 Beaufort.
Nine firefighters and one volunteer have been injured in the last two days and have been taken to hospital either with burn injuries, respiratory problems or issues with their eyes.
The fires are burning mostly forest areas in seven regions, with the largest ones being in  Evia, Viotia and Alexandroupolis where it is burning for third consecutive day.
For third consecutive day the fire is burning in the broader area of Alexandroupolis in north-eastern Greece.
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