Trump predicts outcome of Putin-Biden encounter

7 Dec, 2021

Donald Trump has mocked a scheduled call between US President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin, comparing it to the New England Patriots playing against a high school football team.

On being asked about Biden’s scheduled virtual meeting with Putin on Tuesday, during which the two will reportedly discuss Ukraine, Trump tore into the Biden administration and praised his own record of dealing with world leaders.

“We never had any problem. Nobody was tougher on Russia than I was. And I liked Putin – got along with him very well,” Trump said on Newsmax’s ‘Spicer & Co’, before boasting of his administration’s opposition to Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline across Europe.

“I got along with Putin, but I was tough with Putin – tougher than anybody ever. And tougher than anybody on China,” the 45th US president declared. “I got along great with Kim Jong-un, I got along great with President Xi of China, and I got along well with Putin, but I was tough with all of them.”

Trump protested that the upcoming meeting between Biden and Putin would not be “a fair match for our country,” claiming, “This is not a match that should even be allowed.”

The New England Patriots playing your high school football team – that’s what you have right now

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki announced last week that Biden would raise concerns about “Russian military activities on the border with Ukraine, and reaffirm the United States’ support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine” during their meeting, while also discussing other topics such as cybersecurity and bilateral relations.

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