Saturday, 27 July , 2024


European Prosecutor for Tempi: “This trauma cannot be healed without Justice”

March 14, 2024 He talked about the investigations concerning the crime of Tempe in his central news bulletin Star the European Public Prosecutor, Laura Kovesi. “They...

Police batons send 8 students with head injuries to hospital (picts)

Mar 11, 2024 Εight students were transferred to hospitals with injuries in the head and the arms they sustained by police batons during the big...

Pay or Die: Greece’s Health Ministry introduces “Afternoon Surgeries”

Mar 5, 2024 A joint ministerial decision to allow afternoon surgeries in public hospitals was signed on Tuesday by the Ministries of Health and Finances. These...

USSR 1989-91: The “democratic counter-revolution” of the nomenklatura

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos  Third of four articles on Alexandr Buzgalin and his era. The Soviet/Russian tragedy. You can read the first article here and...

Thousands march in Greece to protest private universities

Jan 25, 2024 Thousands of  pupils, students and teachers gathered in Athens and other Greek cities to protest the establishment of private universities on Thursday. Protesters...

Clashes between police and students protesting “private universities”

Jan 11, 2023 Clashes between students and police broke out in Athens and Thessaloniki on Thursday, when students took to the streets to protest government...

Battle for the beaches: Greek islanders fight for access

In a protest dubbed "the beach towel revolt," Greek islanders are fighting the creeping, illegal privatization of beaches. The "towel movement" demands free access...

Modi’s Farm Produce Act Was Authored Thirty Years Ago, in Washington...

Jan 5, 2021 The kisan agitation at the gates of Fortress Delhi has forced even the corporate media to take note of the corporate drive...

Greek Student Fodder and Recognition: a Misleading Story

All the glisters is not gold; Often have ye heard that told; Many a man his life hath sold, But my outside to behold; Gilded tombs do worms...

Privatization is war

EIR Volume 50, Number 12, March 24, 2023 Deadly Train Crash in Greece Sparks Public Uprising by Dean Andromidas March 16—The flip side of the policy responsible for...