Saturday, 27 July , 2024


UN Chief Condemns Attack Targeting Venezuela’s Maduro

7 August 2018 The drone attack occurred at an outdoor event Saturday when Maduro was making a speech to national guard troops. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres...

Venezuela: l’heure est venue

Par Thierry Deronne 06 Août 2018 Notre « hors-champ médiatique » est infini. La majorité sociale du Venezuela, que les journalistes ne ponctionnent que dans un cadre individuel,...

‘It was assassination attempt’: Venezuelan President Maduro targeted with explosive drones

4 Aug, 2018 Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has been targeted in an attempted attack during a televised public address, officials confirm. Several explosives-laden drones detonated...

Trump, Soros and the plan to invade Venezuela: Opponents or two...

Trump’s Regime Change: Soros-style Wayne Madsen 05.07.2018 To listen to Donald Trump and his supporters, billionaire international hedge fund mogul George Soros was an inherent part of...

Venezuela – Vanguard of a New World – Iran to Follow...

By Peter Koenig 5 June 2018 This article was first by the New Easter Outlook Venezuela is a champion in democracy, in democratic elections, as proven twice...

Venezuela Maduro blasts EU ‘colonialism’ after further sanctions

May 31, 2018 VENEZUELAN President Nicolas Maduro has slammed the European Union for arrogance and “old colonialism” after it proposed further sanctions on the country. The...

‘World is Not Trump’s Estate’: Bolivia’s Evo Morales Condemns US Sanctions...

22 May 2018 "It is a reprisal for having democratically defeated the coup, boycott against President Nicolás Maduro," Bolivia's president reiterated. Bolivian President Evo Morales has...

Peoples’ movements across the world celebrate the victory of Nicolás Maduro

They congratulate the courage and determination of the people of Venezuela The Dawn News / May 22, 2018 On Sunday May 20, the Venezuelan people elected...

Nicolas Maduro Wins Presidential Elections – US, Allies Continue Interventionist Agenda

Nicolas Maduro Wins Venezuelan Presidential Elections 20 May, 2018 President Nicolas Maduro won the Venezuelan presidential elections Sunday, gaining a second presidential term for six years...

Communes and Workers’ Control in Venezuela – interview with Dario Azzellini

By Ricardo Vaz Source: Investig’Action April 27, 2018 “The communes should be the space in which we are going to give birth to socialism.” – these were...