Peoples’ movements across the world celebrate the victory of Nicolás Maduro

They congratulate the courage and determination of the people of Venezuela

The Dawn News / May 22, 2018

On Sunday May 20, the Venezuelan people elected Nicolás Maduro to serve another term as President. Countries such as the United States, Canada, several countries from the European Union, as well as the Latin American countries that are part of the conservative Lima Group, denounced the Venezuelan electoral process and stated they would not recognize the results, a position they had taken even before the elections were held. The United States in fact took the opportunity to impose a new round of sanctions on the Bolivarian Republic.

Despite this overwhelming hostile response from the imperialist bloc, the response from social movements and organizations, trade unions, leftist political parties, leftist governments and other social progressive forces across the entire world has been extremely positive. They have sent their congratulations and gratitude to the Venezuelan people who are a model of conviction and determination on the path to socialism and revolutionary projects for people across the globe.

The Landless People’s Movement of Namibia, an indigenous peasants movements which was established in Namibia last year, declared its solidarity with the ordinary people of Venezuela who are relentless in their fight against US capitalist interests and the promotion of neoliberal ideology in Venezuela. “The evil of global capitalism in all its manifestations must be defeated. We must stand together as peoples of the global south against global capitalism and its evil consequences which can only undermine gains our peoples have made in Venezuela,” the movement said.

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Red Flag Kenya, Young Socialist League, Social Democratic Party of Kenya noted the link between their struggles and that of the Venezuelans and expressed their solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution and its representative in this election, Nicolás Maduro. “The resilience and strength shown by the people of Venezuela during these difficult times is incredible. They have stood the test and have shown the rest of the toiling peoples of the world that it is possible. They have demonstrated that indeed the South can and must lead the breakaway from capitalism in general and imperialism in particular,” the organizations said.

Nedim Šakić, president of political party Udar Ljevice (Strike from the left) of Bosnia and Herzegovina, expressed the organization’s solidarity with Venezuela, “which is attacked by American imperialism and Venezuela’s capitalists who don’t want an egalitarian society in Venezuela and don’t want independent Venezuela.”

The Palestinian People’s Party and the Workers’ Party of Tunisia also supported Venezuela. The latter said it had always “supported the struggle of the peoples of Latin America against their dictators as well as against the hegemonic aims of US imperialism on the subcontinent…we have always expressed our support for these struggles and denounced the interference of imperialists in the domestic affairs of sovereign countries, both in Venezuela and Brazil.”

The Front of Latin American Urban Resistance (Congreso de los Pueblos of Colombia, Movimiento de Pobladores Ukamau of Chile, Frente Popular Dario Santillan of Argentina, Red de la Diversidad of Bolivia, Movimiento de Trabajadores Sin Techo (MTST), Movimiento Sin Techo de Bahia (MSTB) and Brigadas Populares de Brasil) “saluted the brave, fierce and organized Venezuelan people that continued to go to the polls to defend democracy and the possibility of a government that proposes the revolution as an option of government, that has not doubted in expelling the multinational companies and gringo representatives speaking directly to stop the military and economic attacks that devastate the autonomy, sovereignty and richness of the Latin American people, and proposing international alliances like ALBA of the people, that revive the liberatory dream of Bolívar.”

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The Haitian chapter of Social Movements of ALBA saluted the overwhelming victory of the Venezuelan democracy and dedicated it to the memory of Benoit Betraville, a leader assassinated by US troops on May 19, 1920. “The heroic victory of the Venezuelan people is the continuity of our struggles and hopes and affirm that Benoit Batraville has not died and his example will continue inspiring our revolutionary alternatives,” the chapter said.

Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, President of Cuba, sent his fraternal congratulations to Maduro on his overwhelming victory. “The Bolivarian and Chavista people have shown once again their determination to defend the legacy of Chávez that you [Nicolás Maduro] so honorably represent. In the new challenges, you will always have the solidarity of Cuba,” Diaz-Canel Bermudez said.

The Government of El Salvador noted that Venezuela set an example. “Instead of opting for violence, it opts for democracy, respect of its Constitution and the laws, as well as obedience to the will of the people expressed in the polls,” the government said.

The Communist Party of Chile noted that the brutal and irresponsible international campaign of the United States and the Latin American right-wing against the Venezuelan people was defeated in the elections in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.