Monday, 6 May , 2024


Greek protests about Macedonia are complicating US-NATO plans for war with...

For the BBC (16.00 London time) a revolt in Greece directly threatening the expansion of NATO was not among top stories. It preferred to speak...

News from Paris: France is a Democracy! And it wants sanctions...

Venezuela: France's Macron calls for tougher sanctions 27 January 2018 France's President Emmanuel Macron has called for tougher sanctions against Venezuela, accusing it of violating democracy...

République bananière de France

Voici la réponse officielle du Venezuela bolivarien au président français Mr. Macron qui depuis le sommet de Davos a réclamé de « nouvelle sanctions contre le...

A Portentous Assassination Rocks the Balkans

By Stephen KARGANOVIC 20.01.2018 Serbian community leader in the NATO-occupied Kosovo, Oliver Ivanović, was gunned down, mafia-style, in front of his party offices in the town...

The ECB as vulture fund: how central banks speculated against Greece...

16/10/2017 Responses from European Central Bank (ECB) President, Mario Draghi, and European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Pierre Moscovici, to questioning by Greek MEP...

Results of the French, British, NATO intervention in Libya: Rehabilitating Slavery!

Slavery in Libya: Life inside a container by Fatma Naib 26 Jan 2018 In recent months, it has been revealed that African migrants and refugees have been...

Destroying Greeks, Plundering Greece. The Latest Update | By Leonidas Vatikiotis

Industrialists-Creditors order, SYRIZA-ANEL Vote and the People Pay the New Bill A catastrophic multi-bill that brutally affects the interests of workers, consumers and the...

Serb politician assasinated in Kosovo

Killing of key Serb politician in Kosovo triggers break-up of Belgrade-Pristina talks A leading Serb politician in Kosovo has been gunned down in front of...

Warsaw to Kiev: ‘You Won’t Get Into Europe Glorifying War Criminal...

07.02.2017 Former Polish President Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the influential leader of the country's ruling Law and Justice Party, has some frank advice for Kiev, telling Ukrainian...

« Amalgame entre antisionisme et antisémitisme, la faute grave de Macron...

Par Dominique Vidal Journaliste et historien, auteur de nombreux ouvrages consacrés au Proche-Orient, Dominique Vidal s’élève, contre les accusations d’antisémitisme qui frappent tous les critiques...