Friday, 3 May , 2024


President Macron never intended to cancel African debt

by Pauline Imbach 4 May 2020 Had we been born yesterday, we would have been tempted to believe that the question of African debt was finally...

La ZLEC, un afrolibéralisme caché derrière le masque du panafricanisme

par Jean-Christophe Servant 16 mai 2019 Quel contraste. Le continent s’est levé contre la signature des Accords de partenariat économique (APE) entre l’Union européenne et...

Moscow DENIES US general’s claim of ‘Russian mercenary jets in Libya’....

26 May, 2020 Reports of repainted Russian fighter jets being sent to bomb Libya have nothing to do with reality, Moscow said in response to...

Trump Calls for Libya Deescalation in Call With Turkey’s Erdogan

Turkey-backed forces have been making gains in Libya osted on May 24, 2020 After weeks of military gains by Libya’s Government of National Accord (GNA), President...

Europol Says EU Faces Second Migrant Wave as Coronavirus Crisis Takes...

15.05.2020 MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The European Union faces a repeat of the migrant crisis as the global coronavirus shutdown continues to weigh on African economies,...

Why ‘Carbon-Cycle Feedbacks’ Could Drive Temperatures Even Higher

New research indicates that parts of the Amazon and other tropical forests are now emitting more CO2 than they absorb. Some scientists are concerned...

Afrique du Nord – Moyen-Orient: Pour l’ annulation de la dette...

Appel des peuples, organisations, mouvements et réseaux militants d’Afrique du Nord et du Moyen-Orient/région arabe pour l’annulation de la dette et l’abandon des accords...


La pandémie a profondément et durablement bouleversé les peuples, dont le nôtre, et sesconséquences encore imprévisibles seront multiples. Mais les règles économiques et politiques...

“We are calling for a second independence”.THE TIME TO ACT IS...

The threats that are hanging over the African continent with regards to the spread of COVID-19 demand our individual and collective attention. The situation...

Appel aux dirigeants du continent africain: face au Covid-19, il est...

Aux dirigeants du continent africain: face au Covid-19, ilest temps d'agir! Les risques qui planent sur le continent africain, relatifs à la propagation du COVID-19,...