Latest news from the Mediterranean Auschwitz

Horror and humiliation near Gaza’s main hospital

Apr. 16, 2024

Aid deliveries have become known as “death traps” in Gaza.

Karam al-Shawwa understands why.

On 29 February, he witnessed the Flour Bag Massacre. Israel opened fire on Palestinians waiting for food on al-Rashid street, southwest of Gaza City, that day.

As a result, 118 people were killed.

Karam had been among the crowds. He and his friend Muhammad had retreated from the scene once they heard a warning to disperse from an Israeli soldier.

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‘It’s death there’: babies and children hit hardest as famine tightens hold on Gaza

Apr. 15, 2024

Even if the war in Gaza ended tomorrow, for some of the Palestinian territory’s children, it would not help. Hunger and malnutrition have already claimed an estimated 27 young lives, and for many more, it may be too late to reverse the excruciating toll that starvation takes on small, growing bodies.

Nuzha Awad’s triplets, Malek, Khader and Moustafa, born two months before the war began when Hamas attacked Israel on 7 October, did not stop crying as she spoke to the Guardian. She fled Gaza City when food and formula for her babies began to run out; in their new home, a makeshift tent in the central town of Deir al-Balah, she is still desperately afraid for their futures.

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Over 350 Humanitarian Sites and Convoys Have Been Attacked in Gaza

Apr. 16, 2024

Prior to the Israeli military’s slaughter of seven World Central Kitchen (WCK) aid workers in Gaza this month, Middle East Eye (MEE) reports that at least 357 humanitarian-run sites and convoys had been attacked.

As with the incident involving the slain WCK workers which included an American citizen, the humanitarian orgs shared their coordinates in advance of operations with the warring parties. Israel hit them anyway and UN officials have warned of great difficulty in repairing the broken humanitarian notification system.

Current data shows that at least 216 aid workers have been killed during Israel’s indiscriminate bombing and relentless war on the Palestinian people trapped in the besieged, highly dense, coastal enclave. Aid workers told MEE the “scale of the incidents was unprecedented, even compared to the most dangerous war zones and emergencies they have experienced.” The vast majority of aid workers slaughtered have been employed by UNRWA, the UN aid agency for Palestinian refugees.

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Palestinian paramedics said Israel gave them safe passage to save a 6-year-old girl in Gaza. They were all killed.

Apr. 16, 2024

For three-and-a-half long hours on Jan. 29, the cellphone in 6-year old Hind Rajab’s hands was the closest thing she had to a lifeline. Alone in the back seat of a car outside a Gaza City gas station, she was drifting in and out of consciousness, surrounded by bodies, as she told emergency dispatchers that Israeli tanks were rumbling closer.

From the operations room of the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS), roughly 50 miles away in the city of Ramallah, the team on duty had done their best to save the child. Paramedics were on their way, the dispatchers kept telling her: Hold on.

The paramedics were driving to their deaths.

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Terror in the tents

Apr. 14, 2023

We were asleep in our own home. Little did we know that our sense of security was about to be shattered.

Around 5 am on an October morning, one of our neighbors received a phone call. The caller claimed to be from the Israeli military and ordered the immediate evacuation of our area in al-Zahra, central Gaza.

Our neighbors hurriedly knocked on each other’s doors.

For some reason, though, we did not hear anyone knocking on our door. It was as if we had been forgotten.

I nonetheless woke up around the same time. I quickly learned that we had been given just 15 minutes to evacuate.

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Israeli forces besiege school in Gaza’s Beit Hanoun, shoot at sheltering Palestinians

Apr. 16, 2024

Israeli forces besieged a school in Gaza’s Beit Hanoun where hundreds of forcibly displaced Palestinians were sheltering on Tuesday.

According to local media, Israeli forces entered the school on Monday evening at a time when communications and the Internet were cut off.

Israeli soldiers called on young men inside the school through loudspeakers to exit the school, before stripping them of their clothes.

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Women and children in the school were told to leave and move south at gunpoint.

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Palestinian girl shot in mother’s arms as they attempted to return to home in northern Gaza

From Mohammad Al-Sawalhi in Gaza and CNN’s Abeer Salman, Kareem Khadder and Zeena Saifi in Jerusalem

As chaos ensued after thousands of Palestinians were turned away from returning to their homes in northern Gaza on Sunday, a 5-year-old girl was shot in the head by Israeli soldiers, her mother said.

Video shows a man carrying a 5-year-old girl named Sally Abu Laila, who was bleeding from her head, with people crowding around her in panic trying to cover her wound.

Her mother Sabreen told CNN her daughter was in her arms when Israeli soldiers shot at her. Sabreen, alongside her four children, was trying to cross through the checkpoint, when two young men squeezed in between her and other women waiting in line, prompting Israeli soldiers to fire at them.

“I tried to put my daughter on the ground to walk, but she couldn’t move. I saw my hands covered in blood. I called on her, ‘Sally! Sally! Sally!’, but she didn’t answer” Sabreen said.

Eventually, she said she managed to get to Al-Aqsa Martyrs hospital where her daughter is undergoing treatment. She told CNN she is still in intensive care. CNN has reached out to the Israeli military for comment on reports that its soldiers fired shots at civilians trying to head up north, but has not received a response.

Earlier, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said reports that people could return to their homes in northern Gaza were false. “The northern Gaza Strip continues to be an active war zone and return to the area is not currently permitted,” IDF said.

Read more about what happened to thousands of Palestinians as they attempted to return home here.


Israeli drone plays sounds of children crying to lure Palestinians, witnesses say

A video verified by Al Jazeera taken from central Gaza’s Nuseirat refugee camp yesterday documented the sounds of children crying, which were seemingly coming from an Israeli quadcopter plane.

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Residents in the area say this is the Israeli army’s latest way to lure civilians and kill them. At least one man was shot and killed by an Israeli sniper when he came out of his home to inspect where the sounds were coming from.

“Yesterday, the area was subjected to Israeli shelling. Three hours after the raids, we heard the voices of children crying out and the voice of a woman,” one of the witnesses, Mohammed Nabhan, said.

“When we went out, we were subjected to heavy fire from the Israeli army and the sound was coming out of an Israeli quadcopter with four propellers,” he said.

Little is left in Khan Younis

Apr 12, 2024

Khaled Arqoub was shocked when he saw that his home had been flattened.

It and the buildings next door were destroyed after Israeli troops entered Khan Younis city in tanks.

“I have lost everything,” Arquob said.

When Israel began its ground invasion, Arquob left his home for al-Mawasi, an area in southern Gaza. He only came back to Khan Younis after the Israeli forces withdrew a few days ago.

“As I walked into the city, the destruction I saw was enormous,” he said. “Nothing had been left intact.”

His return coincided with Eid al-Fitr. While Eid should be a festive occasion, it has proven to be a harrowing time for the people of Khan Younis and other parts of Gaza.

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