In spite of media terror campaign, 66.000 Yellows (according to police) want Macron out!

66,000 Yellow Vests Protest Macron’s Austerity in France

15 December 2018

At least 168 protesters have been arrested in Paris. The police have used water cannons and tear gas to disperse demonstrations throughout France.
Thousands of protesters took to the streets of French cities Saturday in the fifth weekend of nationwide demonstrations against Emmanuel Macron’s government, despite calls to hold off after a gun attack in Strasbourg earlier this week.
Police fired water cannon and tear gas in the afternoon to disperse groups of protesters in sporadic, brief clashes with riot police on the Champs-Elysees and adjacent streets.
The Interior Minister said around 69,000 police were active on Saturday with a reinforced presence in the cities of Toulouse, Bordeaux, and Saint-Etienne. According to authorities, the number was down compared to last Saturday. As of 5 p.m. local time, authorities counted 66,000 protesters throughout France. Last Saturday, official forces said 126,000 joined demonstrations.

Protests turn violent as Yellow Vests clash with police

15 Dec, 2018

The Yellow Vest rally in Paris began relatively calm, but later saw protesters clash with cops. Over 66,000 people gathered nationwide, but Paris saw less than 3,000 people take to the streets – a huge decline from previous weeks.

Several clashes and scuffles broke out at the iconic Champs-Elysees avenue and near the Opera House as protesters called for Emmanuel Macron’s resignation.
More than 66,000 people gathered across the country for protests, the Interior Ministry said. Less than 3,000 of them rallied in the capital – around five times less than last Saturday.

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