How US Left reacts to Trump’s victory

 We Will Fight Tyranny and Defend the Common Good From Trump—Starting Now

How will we conduct this resistance? By organizing our communities. By fighting through the courts. By arguing our cause through the media. We won’t stop until the battles are won.

By Robert Reich
Nov 6, 2024

I won’t try to hide it. I’m heartbroken. Heartbroken and scared, to tell you the truth. I’m sure many of you are, too.

Donald Trump has decisively won the presidency, the Senate, and possibly the House of Representatives and the popular vote, too.

I still have faith in America. But right now, that’s little comfort to the people who are most at risk.

Millions of people must now live in fear of being swept up by Trump’s cruel mass deportation plan – documented immigrants, as he has threatened before, as well as undocumented, and millions of American citizens with undocumented parents or spouses.

Women and girls must now fear that they’ll be forced to give birth or be denied life-saving care during an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage.

America has become less safe for trans people – including trans kids – who were already at risk of violence and discrimination.

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Elon Musk’s Net Worth Surges by Over $16 Billion After Trump Win

Tesla’s stock price jumped by as much as 15% following the former president’s victory in the 2024 election.

By Jake Johnson

Donald Trump’s victory in the 2024 presidential election sent shares of Tesla surging as much as 15% Wednesday, propelled by CEO Elon Musk’s prominent role in the Republican’s White House campaign and expectations that the company will benefit from proposed tax cuts and a deregulatory blitz.

Trump name-checked Musk, the world’s richest man, during his victory speech Wednesday morning, calling him a “super genius.” Campaign finance records show that Musk—who’s expected to receive a position in the president-elect’s administration, despite massive conflicts of interest—pumped more than $100 million into the 2024 race in support of Trump’s bid for a second term.

According to Forbesreal-time tracker, Musk’s net worth—the bulk of which is tied up in Tesla stock—rose by over $16 billion on Wednesday.

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Trump Win Fulfills Oligarchy’s 50-Year Plan for Right-Wing Takeover

The billionaires have won. They have successfully killed the American Dream. And now we have to fight back.

By Thom Hartmann

We just watched the final fulfillment of a 50 year plan. Louis Powell laid it out in 1971, and every step along the way Republicans have follow it.

It was a plan to turn America over to the richest men and the largest corporations. It was a plan to replace democracy with oligarchy. A large handful of America’s richest people invested billions in this plan, and its tax breaks and fossil fuel subsidies have made them trillions. More will soon come to them.

As any advertising executive can tell you, with enough money and enough advertising — particularly if you are willing to lie — you can sell anybody pretty much anything.

Even a convicted felon, rapist, and friend and agent of America’s enemies.

America was overwhelmed this fall by billions of dollars in often dishonest advertising, made possible by five corrupt Republicans on the Supreme Court, and it worked. Democrats were massively outspent, not to mention the power of the billionaire Murdoch family’s Fox “News” and 1500 hate talk radio stations.

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Democratic Party debacle hands presidency to Trump

By Eric London
Nov 6, 2024

Fascist former president Donald Trump has won the US presidential election, according to overnight projections of state-by-state results, which showed him winning 276 electoral votes, above the 270 required for victory.

While votes are still being counted in many states, and three of the seven “battleground” states were still not called by the Associated Press, Trump won the remaining four, North Carolina, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

This is not so much a victory for Trump as it is a debacle for the Democratic Party. Democratic candidate Kamala Harris, the sitting vice president, ran behind the vote totals won by President Joe Biden in 2020, in virtually every state and county across the US.

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With the bulk of the ballots counted, except in the heavily Democratic West Coast, Trump leads Kamala Harris by a commanding five million votes and a 51-47 percent margin. Four years after Trump attempted a coup to overthrow the Constitution, he appears to have won election for a second term.

Exit polls indicate a collapse of the Democratic Party’s strategy of combining a ruthless, genocidal imperialist agenda with appeals to identity politics. Trump made substantial inroads among young people who voted, winning a majority of young men. Among first-time young voters nationwide, Trump won by 9 percent, compared to a 30-point loss to Biden in 2020. State exit polling data shows Trump won a majority of Latino voters in Pennsylvania, a majority of young voters in Michigan, and a majority of Latino men in North Carolina, and that he doubled his support among African-American voters in Wisconsin.

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It’s Happening Again

By Matt Karp
Nov 6, 2024

“It is happening again.” This morning, with Donald Trump in command of another crushing presidential victory, the dreadful words from David Lynch’s Twin Peaks sit like lead inside many stomachs. As the climax of a frenzied campaign and the triumph of so much that is vicious and corrosive in American society, Trump’s second election comes as a shock. And yet, as an event in contemporary history, it can hardly be seen as a surprise.

First and most prosaic, there is inflation. Did America really elect a dictator because Frosted Flakes hit $7.99 at the grocery store? Read that sentence again and it doesn’t sound so absurd.

At a deeper level, 2024 has taught us a hard lesson: in a global society defined by consumption rather than production, voters loathe price increases and are ready to punish rulers who preside over them. Across the biggest election year in modern history, with billions voting worldwide, incumbents have taken a beating, left, right, and center: the Tories in Britain, Emmanuel Macron in France, the African National Congress in South Africa, Narendra Modi’s BJP in India, Kirchnerism in Argentina last fall. Today post-pandemic inflation, aggravated by wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, has claimed the scalp of yet another incumbent government.

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Billionaire BlackRock CEO: ‘Doesn’t matter’ who wins US election; Trump & Kamala Harris benefit Wall Street

Billionaire BlackRock CEO Larry Fink said it “really doesn’t matter” who wins the US presidential election, because both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris will be good for Wall Street. Academic studies show the USA is not a democracy but an oligarchy.

By Ben Norton
Nov 6, 2024

The billionaire CEO of BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, has said it “really doesn’t matter” who wins the US presidential election, because both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris will be good for Wall Street.

“I’m tired of hearing this is the biggest election in your lifetime. The reality is over time it doesn’t matter”, said BlackRock chief Larry Fink at an October 21 conference hosted by the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, according to the Financial Times.

“It really doesn’t matter”, Fink reiterated. He revealed that, at BlackRock, “we work with both administrations and are having conversations with both candidates”.

BlackRock has $11.5 trillion assets under management, making it the biggest investment company on Earth.

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