Greece Fires: How You Can Help

Diaspora Greeks and many others from all around the globe rushed to help the victims of the devastating fires in East Attica that left more than 80 people dead, hundreds injured and thousands without a home, especially in Mati.

If you would like to add your own contribution there are a few ways to do it:

Greek Reporter’s Greek Relief Fund for the fire victims:

Reporting from the apocalyptic scene resulting by the large fire in Mati, we decided to make a first-response fund for Greece, starting with helping the victims of the great fires in Attica. The funds collected will be given directly to the municipalities affected or handed to the victims themselves. During our live feeds and reports many of you had asked for this so we listened and decided to set up the Greek Relief Fund (GRf). If you want to help, visit our Go Fund Me page. 

The Rafina municipality has also set up a special bank account accepting donations for the disaster:

The bank accounts for donations directly to Greece:
Municipality of Rafina-Pikermi / Δήμος Ραφήνας-Πικερμίου
Piraeus Bank:
IBAN: GR20 0172 1860 0051 8609 2291 418

Hellenic Red Cross
IBAN: GR64 0260 2400 0003 1020 1181 388

Hellenic Diaspora organizations and the Church have also announced initiatives to help the victims.

The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, in a statement issued on Tuesday, expressed its deep sorrow and agony for the disastrous fires.

Archbishop Demetrios asked the parishes to conduct a special fundraiser (to pass a special tray) on the following two Sundays to alleviate the suffering victims and offer help and hope to those whose homes and fortunes have been totally destroyed. All offers and contributions of either parishes or individuals should be sent payable to the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America with a memo indicating Attica Fires Relief Fund.

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Along the same line, the Supreme President of the Order of the AHEPA, Carl H. Hollister, speaking from the podium of the annual Congress of the organization that is taking place in Atlantic City, New Jersey, has also offered his condolences and called on the AHEPAns to mobilize in solidarity to the devastated people of Greece. AHEPA opened an Emergency Relief Fund for Greek Wildfire Aid and one may contribute by visiting AHEPA’s web site

The Hellenic American Leadership Council (HALC) has also started a special fundraiser with a goal to collect $250,000. In the first 7 hours 370 people collected the amount of $34,909. You may contribute by visiting

In Australia, the President of the Federation of Greek Orthodox Communities of Australia and President of the Greek Orthodox Community of NSW, Harry Danalis, speaking in the Greek Program of SBS, expressed the full support of the Greek-Australian community to the families of the dozens of victims in the homeland and to the Greek people and the Greek state for these difficult hours that pass.

Also, the Greek Community of Melbourne (GCM) “expressed its support and deepest condolences to the families who lost loved ones in the devastating firestorm that hit the outskirts of Athens in the Rafina area.” The GCM has commenced the process of reaching out to other community organisations and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese to seek a coordinated Australian response.

AHI calls for donations to help Greece’s wildfire victims

The American Hellenic Institute (AHI) urged people on Wednesday to donate to a relief fund set up by the Greek-American charitable organization AHEPA to support the victims of the deadly fires in east Attica that have killed at least 80 people.

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“The American Hellenic Institute is saddened by the destruction caused by wildfires in the Attica region of Greece, just outside of Athens,” it said in a press release.

“Now more than ever, it is imperative that the Greek-American community rally and unite to help the people of Greece during this recent and dire crisis,” AHI said, noting that food, water, clothing, and shelter will all be needed during the recovery process.

“Please consider donating what you can to the Greek Wild Fire Relief Fund organized by the Order of AHEPA. Together, we can help the people of Greece in their darkest hour,” it added.

AHEPA’s relief fund can be reached through the following link: