Getting it Wrong: Fragments from a Cyprus Diary, 1964

Martin Packard
AuthorHouse, 2008

GETTING IT WRONG provides unique and critical reportage of events in Cyprus in early 1964. Circulation of an original report by Packard, commissioned by the CRO in 1964, was embargoed by Whitehall, which also rejected a UN request for a copy.

Why was the Foreign Office so sensitive over a report which did no more than describe a highly successful process of peacemaking?

This book shows that Cypriots were readily able to find answers to their problems when given an appropriate mechanism through which to do so, despite extremism encouraged from abroad. Misrepresentations of 1964 history in Cyprus have been a major factor in complicating the search there for accord. Describing mediation that was successful because it was answerable to the Cypriots, rather than to any outside power, this book helps to put the record straight. ” … personal testimony of fundamental importance for the critical year 1964. The book is important to both Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots because it destroys respective propaganda as to what happened that year.” (Costas Carras, book preview, 2008.)

“Find that man Packard. He can prove that Cypriots can live together.” (Lord Caradon to Friends of Cyprus, 1988.)

“No foreigner knows better than you the reality of events in Cyprus in 1964.” (Rauf Denktash to author, 1999.)

“I pressed hard for your return. . . . as I felt sure you were the only man who could re-establish contact which had been completely lost.” (General Young, letter to author, 1965.)

“We, the soldiery, could never have attempted what you and your team were doing.” (Field Marshal Gibbs, letter to author, 2002.)

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“It is fortunate for Cyprus and its younger generations that Martin Packard has provided this testimony… which contradicts much of the thrust of official archives.” (Mario Evriviades, book preview, Phileleutheros, 2007.)

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