A letter from Germany on Afd and Linke

The AfD currently is second in the polls – 18 %, same as the SPD. The Left is about 4 % in the polls. These are polls. The German Left seems to be on the same trajectory as in Italy long before (the ‘radical left being wiped out from parliamentary representation, due to their own faults.)

The most recent development concerning DIE LINKE & Sahra Wagenknecht is that DIE LINKE leadership (the party executive) called on Wagenknecht to skip her mandate as an MP to the Bundestag. Former intitiatives to exclude her from the Left Party were unsuccessfull – so that motion does not have any consequences in juridical terms.

The scenario which might evolve is this:

Sahra may try to create a list for the next EP elections. DIE Linke Party (what is left of this) will go under concerning national German elections, and incoming Länder Elections will also show their ongoing decline. But the question is whether Sahra will have a sufficeint cadre structure below to do this.

Some interesting articles on the situation in Germany follow:





A longer one here from telepolis (which is both critical of  DIE LINKE leadership & Sahra)


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