‘We’re going to attack Iraq,’ Israel told the US. ‘Move your planes’

On 27th anniversary of Saddam’s 1991 Scud missile strikes at Israel, Defense Ministry releases interviews with senior officials on how close Israel came to bombing Baghdad

By Judah Ari Gross
18 January 2018

In the predawn hours of January 18, 1991, at the outbreak of the First Gulf War, the Iraqi army launched eight Scud missiles at Israel, hitting both Tel Aviv and Haifa, wounding seven people and causing damage to several residential buildings.

Saddam Hussein’s military went on to fire 30 more Scuds at central Israeli cities, killing two people in direct hits and 11 others indirectly from heart attacks and asphyxiation, and raising the possibility that Jerusalem would conduct retaliatory airstrikes on Iraqi targets.

Read more at https://www.timesofisrael.com/