Venezuela Condemns Brazil’s Veto at BRICS Summit

Oct 25, 2024

In a statement, Venezuela expressed gratitude for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invitation for President Nicolás Maduro to attend the BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russia.

However, the statement issued this Thursday, October 24, rejects the veto made by the Brazilian government, represented by Ambassador Eduardo Paes Saboia, preventing the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela from joining BRICS despite having the support of the other members of the organization.

The document states that Ambassador Paes Saboia “decided to maintain the veto that Bolsonaro applied to Venezuela for years, reproducing the hatred, exclusion, and intolerance promoted by Western power to prevent, for now, the entry of the Homeland of [Simon] Bolívar into this organization in an action that constitutes the aggression against Venezuela and is a hostile gesture adding to the criminal sanctions policy imposed against a brave and revolutionary people, like the Venezuelan people.”

Below is the unofficial translation of the Venezuelan statement:

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela thanks the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, his government, and the heroic Russian people for the invitation extended to President Nicolás Maduro Moros to participate in the BRICS+ Summit in Kazan.

Venezuela, which not only has the largest energy reserve in the world but also represents the values, principles, and vision of building a fair, multicentred and multipolar world, has had the backing and support of the countries participating in this summit to formalize its entry into this integration mechanism.

Through an action that contradicts the nature and postulate of the BRICS, the representation of the Brazilian Foreign Ministry (Itamaraty), led by Ambassador Eduardo Paes Saboia, decided to maintain the veto that Bolsonaro applied to Venezuela for years, reproducing the hatred, exclusion, and intolerance promoted by Western power to prevent, for now, the entry of the Homeland of [Simon] Bolívar into this organization in an action that constitutes the aggression against Venezuela and is a hostile gesture adding to the criminal sanctions policy imposed against a brave and revolutionary people, like the Venezuelan people. 

Venezuela is enhancing the global South and East with its firmness in defending self-determination and the sovereign equality of States. No trick or maneuver against Venezuela will stop the course of history. A new world has been born! Venezuela is part of this free world without hegemony.

The Venezuelan people feel outrage and shame at this inexplicable and immoral aggression by the Brazilian Foreign Ministry (Itamaraty), maintaining the worst of Jair Bolsonaro’s policies against the Bolivarian Revolution founded by Commander Hugo Chávez.

This historic summit for a new world of peace, justice, and shared development has been a resounding success. We congratulate President Putin and his government for their extraordinary contributions, in the words of the Liberator Simón Bolívar, to universal balance.

Caracas, October 24, 2024.

(Alba Ciudad)

Read also:

Translation: Orinoco Tribune

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