Thursday, 24 October , 2024

Workers Movement

Around 1.5 million people took to the streets of Argentina in...

Jan 26, 2024 In a first great demonstration of unity and strength against the ultraliberal measures of the extreme right wing government made by the...

The Compatible Left’s Support for Genocide

The Compatible Left’s Support for Genocide By Carlos L. Garrido Jan 6, 2024 The self-proclaimed ‘radical American magazine’ Compact Mag just published an article from Alan Dershowitz making the argument that Israel has...

No to the war in Gaza, no to the war in...

European Liaison Committee Against War - Against Social War No to the war in Gaza - No to the war in Ukraine - Stop the...

Solidarity addresses to the demonstration of 25.11 in Berlin

European Liaison Committee Against War - Against Social War Solidarity addresses to the demonstration of 25 November in Berlin Austria Vienna 18.11.23 Dear colleagues, For more than 30 years,...

Unions worldwide obstruct arms supplies to Israel

By Marc Vandepitte Nov 17, 2023 The author is a Belgian Marxist who writes for and When Israel unleashed its ruthless war of revenge against...

Joint Call of Transport Trade Unions Greece-Italy-Turkey. STOP the massacre in...

Nov. 8, 2023 The history of transport workers has always been clearly on the side of peace, against fascism, racism, against any occupation and oppression...

How Joseph Stalin Helped Create the State of Israel

Joseph Stalin committed numerous crimes against the international working class. But one of his greatest crimes was the support he gave to the foundation...

Quand la Quatrième Internationale se déclarait contre la partition de la...

En 1947, l'ONU approuvait la résolution 181 qui décidait la partition de la Palestine et permettait la création artificielle de l'Etat d'Israël. La Quatrième...

Des syndicats belges de la manutention refusent de transporter des armes...

Dans un communiqué publié le 31 octobre, différents syndicats belges du secteur de la manutention signifient leur « refus de manutentionner du matériel militaire...

An Urgent Call from Palestinian Trade Unions: End all Complicity, Stop...

October 17, 2023 Palestinian trade unions issue an urgent global call to action, calling on workers everywhere to halt the sale and funding of arms...