Saturday, 27 July , 2024

Workers Movement

French trade union boss hints at protests during Olympics if left...

Emmanuel Macron is in denial about the result of France’s snap election, leader of the CGT union says By Rachel Hagan Jul 11, 2024 A top trade...

La résistible ascension des fascistes à la française

Par Pierre Stambul 14/06/24 On sait qui ils sont : les descendants des antidreyfusards, les héritiers du régime de Vichy et des collabos. Les héritiers des...

British workers against the Genocide

Unbowed: May Day action shuts down Israel's ‘sponsors of genocide’ May 1st 2024 PRO-PALESTINE activists, workers and trade unionists took down the “sponsors of Israel’s genocide”...

Five articles on Al. Buzgalin and the Soviet/Russian Perestroika/Katastroika

Aleksandr Buzgalin and his time. The Soviet/Russian tragedy Do we need Marxism? Marxism and Stalinism USSR 1989-91: The “democratic counter-revolution” of the nomenklatura Marxism, nation and nationalism,...

Trade Unionists Shut Down UK Arms Factories Demanding Halt Of Arms...

Over 600 workers undeterred by UK Government’s 'threats’ to pro-Palestine protest By Hannah Davenport March 21, 2024 Hundreds of trade unionists have blockaded major arms factories in...

How Nations Could End Israeli Genocide: Stop the Weapons, Stop the...

By Marcy Winograd* February 21, 2024 If the nations of the world–particularly the United States and the Arab countries–wanted to stop Israel’s slaughter, torture and...

USSR 1989-91: The “democratic counter-revolution” of the nomenklatura

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos  Third of four articles on Alexandr Buzgalin and his era. The Soviet/Russian tragedy. You can read the first article here and...

Around 1.5 million people took to the streets of Argentina in...

Jan 26, 2024 In a first great demonstration of unity and strength against the ultraliberal measures of the extreme right wing government made by the...

The Compatible Left’s Support for Genocide

The Compatible Left’s Support for Genocide By Carlos L. Garrido Jan 6, 2024 The self-proclaimed ‘radical American magazine’ Compact Mag just published an article from Alan Dershowitz making the argument that Israel has...

No to the war in Gaza, no to the war in...

European Liaison Committee Against War - Against Social War No to the war in Gaza - No to the war in Ukraine - Stop the...