Saturday, 21 September , 2024


Expelled Russian Diplomats Allowed Back After Shooting Some Palestinians

"We decided to send all of our ousted diplomats on a killing spree in Gaza to appease our overlords, and thankfully it seems to have worked” -- Sergey...

ΝΥ Times on Israel, Gulf States and the election of Donald...

Trump Jr. and Other Aides Met With Gulf Emissary Offering Help to Win Election By Mark Mazzetti, Ronen Bergman and David D. Kirkpatrick May 19, 2018 WASHINGTON...

Neocon Conspiracies

John Bolton Chaired anti-Muslim Think Tank That Spread Fake News With Help of Russian Trolls Apr. 23, 2018 John Bolton, U.S. President Donald Trump’s new national...

Turning on Russia

In this first of a two-part series, Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould trace the origins of the neoconservative targeting of Russia. By Paul Fitzgerald and...

The Art of War: US Fleet with 1000 Missiles in the...

By Manlio Dinucci May 03, 2018  The US aircraft carrier Harry S. Truman, which set sail from the world’s largest naval base in Norfolk (Virginia), entered...

Construire le mur de fer | par Chris Hedges

18-03-2018 Le sénateur du Texas Ted Cruz, ainsi que 18 membres de la Chambre des représentants – 15 députés Républicains et 3 Démocrates – ont...

Building the Iron Wall

By Chris Hedges Mar 18, 2018 Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, along with 18 members of the House of Representatives—15 Republicans and three Democrats—has sent a...

Netanyahu ruling the US State Department. Pushing Washington to War.

On Pompeo’s first Mid East trip, Saudis strike Houthi leaders, missiles hit Iranian targets in Syria Apr.30,2018 In Tel Aviv, Israel’s security cabinet was called into...

Trump (Netanyahu) Wants War with Iran

Macron: Trump will likely scrap Iran deal By Luis Sanchez 04/25/18 French President Emmanuel Macron said he believes President Trump will drop out of the Iran nuclear deal,...

Midwestern Democrats Want The DNC To STFU About Trump-Russia

by Tyler Durden 04/24/2018 Democrats in midwestern battleground states want the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to back off the Trump-Russia rhetoric, as state-level leaders worry...