Saturday, 27 July , 2024


From the Fall of USSR to the Rise of a Multipolar...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos The fall of the USSR in 1989-91 provoked a sense of omnipotence in the dominant circles of Western capitalism, all the more...

EU state jails citizen for supporting Russia 12th July 2024 Activist Elena Kreile has been sentenced to three years in prison by a Latvian court for displaying pro-Russian flags in her windows The...

Elon Musk says European Commission offered X ‘secret deal’ to ‘quietly’...

'If we quietly censored speech without telling anyone, they would not fine us,' Musk claims after X was accused of breaching EU digital laws Jul...

La gauche diabolisée: plongée dans l’ère du « mensonge permanent »

Par Vincent Lucchese 4 juillet 2024 Les mots en politique ont-ils perdu tout lien avec le réel ? La très courte et intense campagne législative en cours...

From Germany in 1933 to France in 2024. The deception of...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos The Germans wanted to make a revolution but they were afraid to do it, so they had Hitler do it. Wilhelm Reich No, it...

De l’Allemagne de 1933 à la France de 2024. L’imposture de...

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos  Les Allemands voulaient faire la révolution, mais ils avaient peur de la faire, alors ils l'ont confiée à Hitler. Wilhelm Reich Non, il n'est...

Dernière station avant l’abattoir

 Par Patrick Le Tréhondat, Robi Morder, Patrick Silberstein* Donner à lire les textes réunis dans ce volume procède de la volonté obstinée de contribuer à...

NATO Think Tank Pushes Prison for ‘Putin Propagandists’

The Atlantic Council, NATO's de-facto think tank in Washington, is calling for governments to prosecute those who commit thought crimes against Ukraine. Jun 29. 2024 We...

Assange Agreed to Destroy Unpublished Classified Material

As part of his plea deal with the United States, Julian Assange agreed to order the destruction of any unpublished U.S. material in WikiLeaks...

Assange Released from Prison After Agreeing To Plead Guilty to Espionage...

The plea bargain allows the Wikileaks founder to return to Australia after a court date in the Mariana Islands by Kyle Anzalone June 24,...