Saturday, 27 July , 2024


U.S. Unveils Historic Sanctions Against Intellexa Spyware for Endangering Privacy and...

Mar 19, 2024 In a historic and bold move, the U.S. government has implemented unprecedented sanctions against the Intellexa Consortium and its key figures for...

Council of Europe condemns Greece on press freedom

The Council of Europe's new report on freedom of the press condemns Greece. Mar 6 2024 Disappointing remarks on press freedom in Greece are made by...

How Nations Could End Israeli Genocide: Stop the Weapons, Stop the...

By Marcy Winograd* February 21, 2024 If the nations of the world–particularly the United States and the Arab countries–wanted to stop Israel’s slaughter, torture and...

Spyware found on phones of EU defense subcommittee members

European Parliament's defense subcommittee members discover spyware on their phones, leading to heightened cybersecurity measures amid concerns of foreign interference ahead of the EU...

The Former Israeli Spies Working in Top Jobs at Google, Facebook...

By Alan Macleod Oct. 31, 2022 A MintPress study has found that hundreds of former agents of the notorious Israeli spying organization, Unit 8200, have...

European Parliament concerned about very serious threats to EU values in...

The European Parliament raised on Wednesday the alarm over several worrying developments in Greece threatening the rule of law, and called on the Commission...

Greece: The erosion of media freedom in the birthplace of democracy

Analysis: While steep decline in press freedom may have petered out, myriad of challenges remain By IPI Europe Advocacy Officer Jamie Wiseman Jan 10, 2024 All is...

L’ambassade d’Israël à Athènes fait la promotion d’un site contenant des...

Par Aris Hatzistefanos 24 novembre, 2023 Le compte Twitter officiel de l'ambassade d'Israël à Athènes (@IsraeliGreece) fait la promotion d'un faux site Web qui, selon les...

Greek government accused of defanging probe into its wiretapping scandal

Opposition lawmakers cry foul as Mitsotakis administration neutralizes officials investigating Athens wiretaps. By Nektaria Stamouli October 26, 2023 The government of Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis is...

How Israel Spies on US Citizens

The Truths that Won’t Be Heard · A never-shown Al Jazeera documentary on the pro-Israel lobby in the US reveals possibly illegal Israeli spying...