Saturday, 27 July , 2024

Russian Middle Eastern Policy

Russia warns Israel amid escalation in the Middle East

Hezbollah’s Chilling Video Of Rocket Barrage On Israel After Yemen Strike; IDF HQ Attacked | Houthis Jul 22, 2024 Russia, Iran's Joint Warning To Israel Against...

How Joseph Stalin Helped Create the State of Israel

Joseph Stalin committed numerous crimes against the international working class. But one of his greatest crimes was the support he gave to the foundation...

Quand la Quatrième Internationale se déclarait contre la partition de la...

En 1947, l'ONU approuvait la résolution 181 qui décidait la partition de la Palestine et permettait la création artificielle de l'Etat d'Israël. La Quatrième...

Scott Ritter: Putin ‘Was Quick to Lay Down the Law’ on...

Oct 31, 2023 Members of the Jewish community need to peacefully coexist with Muslims, Christians and people of any religion, Scott Ritter, a military analyst...

Why Putin has compared Israel’s actions in Gaza to the Nazi...

The siege of Leningrad during World War II killed over 1.5 million. Here is why Russian President Vladimir Putin has compared that to what...

Russia Calls for Ceasefire Between Israel and Palestinians

President Putin will discuss this matter with Israeli PM Netanyahu and Palestinian leader Abbas. Oct 16, 2023 On Monday, the Kremlin today called for the immediate resumption of...

Hamas movement says it appreciates Putin’s stance on Gaza settlement

The Russian President previously said that Israel had been subjected to a brutal attack, but that the conflict could only be resolved through the...

Russia to open consular section offices in Jerusalem -statement

JERUSALEM, June 16 (Reuters) - Russia's embassy in Israel will open offices in Jerusalem to serve its consular section as part of an agreement...

Israeli FM promises cooperation with Ukraine against Iran

By ILAN BEN ZION February 16, 2023 KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Israel and Ukraine on Thursday agreed to step up cooperation in a shared struggle against...

Moscow warns Israel that supplying Ukraine with arms will ‘escalate’ conflict

After Netanyahu tells CNN he is considering supplying military aid to Kyiv, Kremlin threatens weapons will be targeted and asserts move will lead to...