Saturday, 27 July , 2024

Netanyahu Benjamin

Muted Iranian reaction to attack provides short-term wins for Netanyahu

Israeli prime minister’s main concern is his political survival but a multi-front war is still a strong possibility By Bethan McKernan Apr 19, 2024 In the aftermath...

A delicate dance: the US and Israel’s dilemma in responding to...

By Elijah J Magnier Apr. 16, 2024 Israel has managed to shift international focus from its controversial actions in Gaza and the West Bank to the...

Mélenchon: “Netanyahu nous mène à la guerre totale”

Apr. 13, 2024 Heures étranges et terribles que celles-ci. Comptant sur la riposte iranienne, Netanyahu engage la guerre pour démembrer le Liban et préparer l’attaque contre l’Iran....

Ex-CIA Analyst: US Responsible for Gaza Genocide by Empowering Netanyahu

By Anatoly Dontsov Nov 21, 2023 US President Joe Biden fully obeys Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, endorsing the genocide of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip,...

Israel’s ‘Third Phase” is a Redoubling of Genocide

By Paul Larudee* Less than a month ago, I wrote that Israel’s strategy is genocide. Now Israel apparently recognizes that it is losing the ground...

Netanyahu, the real President of the United States of Israel

Israel's Netanyahu on Collision Course With Joe Biden Dec 14, 2023 The Israeli government headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is spiraling toward a diplomatic row...

India is the epicentre of hate and misinformation against Palestinians

Disinformation and jingoism against Palestinians is becoming widespread on Indian media and social media by Mohammad Asif Khan Nov 10, 2023 In the wee hours of 7...

Depart and Let Us Have Done With You, Netanyahu!

By Menachem Z. Rosensaft Dec 5, 2023 Benjamin Netanyahu must go. Now. Before he wreaks further havoc. Israel's prime minister has become a veritable albatross around his...

How Israel could gain from a pause in the Gaza war

A break in hostilities could benefit Israel militarily, even though it could hurt Prime Minister Netanyahu politically. By Zoran Kusovac Published On 21 Nov 202321 Nov 2023 Claims...

The Israel Lobby – John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt

Mar 23, 2006 For the past several decades, and especially since the Six-Day War in 1967, the centrepiece of US Middle Eastern policy has been...