Neocon dark money front launches desperate ad blitz as support for...
By Alexander Rubinstein*
August 21, 2023
A PR offensive to inundate the American public with pro-Ukraine war advertisements during the 2024 election is the latest initiative...
History: The neocons’ war against Obama
The neoconservatives who rebuffed the Republican establishment’s warnings about the perils of war in Iraq have now opened another front —against President Barack Obama.
Grèce, Israël et Iran: Le fiasco des “terroristes pakistanais”
Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
Les autorités grecques ont annoncé cette semaine l'arrestation de deux travailleurs immigrés pakistanais en Grèce, accusés d'avoir planifié une attaque terroriste contre...
Greece, Israel and Iran: The fiasco of the “Pakistani terrorists”
By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
Apr 2, 2023
The Greek authorities announced this week the arrest of two Pakistani migrant land workers in Greece who were accused of...
How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline
The New York Times called it a “mystery,” but the United States executed a covert sea operation that was kept secret—until now
By Seymour Hersh
Top US official hails Nord Stream 2 blast
January 27, 2023
The Biden administration is very happy to know the pipeline is “a hunk of metal at the bottom of the sea,” Victoria...
Санкции срещу Русия или санкции срещу Европа?
Dimitris Konstantakopoulos,
Повечето сериозни наблюдатели са съгласни, че санкциите на ЕС срещу руския петрол не само няма да засегнат руските приходи, но вероятно ще...
Sanctions contre la Russie ou guerre contre l’Europe ?
par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
Dec 20, 2022
La plupart des observateurs sérieux s’accordent à dire que les sanctions concernant le pétrole russe décidées récemment par l’UE, non...
¿Sanciones contra Rusia o guerra contra Europa?
20 de diciembre de 2022
Por Dimitris Konstantakopoulos* –
También pretende someter a Europa para siempre a Estados Unidos. Y una forma de hacerlo es destruir...
Sanctions against Russia or war against Europe?
Trotsky's visionary text, Kautsky's Ultra-Imperialism, the struggles of De Gaule and Brand and Europe's current fight for survival in face of American domination
By Dimitris...