Saturday, 27 July , 2024

Natural Gas

Sanctions are destroying Green transition in Europe

Burn time: The case for a new European energy union Almost all EU member states are exposed to the fallout for the energy market of...

Now they begin to realise the consequences of what they are...

Yellen Warns EU About Banning Russian Oil By Julianne Geiger Apr 21, 2022 A full EU ban on Russian crude oil and gas imports could have unintended...

The Dollar Devours the Euro

By Michael Hudson Apr 7, 2022 It is now clear that today’s escalation of the New Cold War was planned over a year ago. America’s plan...

Campaigners Say IPCC Report Reveals ‘Bleak and Brutal Truth’ About Climate...

"It's not about taking our foot off the accelerator anymore—it's about slamming on the brakes," said one expert in response to latest U.N. assessment. By...

It Is Not Possible to Do Without Russian Gas, Germany Admits

Currently, Germany gets 55 percent of its natural gas from Russia, 35 percent of its crude oil from Russia, and 45 percent of its...

LNG price war could send natural gas into negative territory

17 May, 2020 Natural gas producers could soon be about to fight out a battle for market share in which prices could fall to negative...