Wednesday, 23 October , 2024


New York Times op-ed by anonymous Trump official gives implicit support...

By Eric London 6 September 2018 On Wednesday afternoon, the New York Times took the unprecedented step of publishing an anonymous opinion piece by a...

Mattis is siding with Neocons to put pressure on Russia

Mattis: US Urging Russia to Prevent Chemical Weapons Strike in Syria Russia sees West preparing for 'false flag' chemical attack Defense Secretary James Mattis told reporters...

Bolton (Netanyahu) is warning of new strike on Syria. Israel fully...

U.S. Warns Russia It Will Hit Assad If He Uses Chemical Arms, Sources Say By Margaret Talev, Jennifer Jacobs, and Alaa Shahine August 25, 2018The U.S....

Mattis against Trump (Netanyahu)

Mattis: US Not Seeking Regime Change in Iran Dismisses reports of planned US attack as 'fiction' By Jason Ditz Posted on July 27, 2018 In an...

USA: All Power to the Neocons. They threaten Mattis now.

Is Trump sacrificing General Mattis? By Abdullah Muradoğlu 01 July 2018 As NATO’s role in the new Cold War between Russia and the West is being discussed,...

Is Israel Readying for War?

By Alastair CROOKE 07.05.2018 Last Thursday, General Mattis told the US Senate Armed Forces Committee that he believes a military confrontation between Israel and Iran in Syria is...

The Civil War inside the Empire and Turkey

The War Between America’s Military-Industrial Complex And Turkophobic Lobbies Pushes Ankara Into Russia’s Arms by Adam Garrie 2018-06-19 A war between the military-industrial complex and increasingly...

Quitting Syria too soon would be a ‘blunder’: Mattis

8 June 2018 US Secretary of Defence Jim Mattis warned Friday it would be a "strategic blunder" to pull out of Syria before UN-led peace...

Chinese general warns Mattis against making ‘irresponsible claims & interfering in...

3 Jun, 2018 A Chinese general has defended South China Sea deployments and policy, slamming “irresponsible” comments and interference in internal affairs by US Defense...

‘Trial by media’ on what happened in Douma

By Lasanda Kurukulasuriya Apr. 23, 2018 It’s not known, at the time of writing, what the inspection team from the Organisation for the Prohibition of...