Tuesday, 30 April , 2024


How colonial violence came home: the ugly truth of the first...

The Great War is often depicted as an unexpected catastrophe. But for millions who had been living under imperialist rule, terror and degradation were...

After Iraq, British parliamentarians discover Libya – how Cameron and Sarkozy...

The inquiry, which took evidence from key figures including Lord Hague, Dr Liam Fox, former Prime Minister Tony Blair, military chiefs and academics, concludes that decisions were not based on accurate intelligence. In particular, the Government failed to identify that the threat to civilians was overstated and that the rebels included a significant Islamist element.

The retreat of neoliberalism

An internal IMF report admitting the destructive nature of neoliberalism may have come too late for many African countries. The neoliberal structural adjustment programmes have led to economic hardships, political instability and conflicts in most African countries where they have been implemented.

Fantastic progress of democracy: The New York Times barely notice the...

The Obama administration announced on Monday the beginning of US air strikes in Libya against ISIS targets, marking the fourth country the United States is currently bombing with the goal of “degrading and destroying” the terror group. A campaign that began two years ago this Sunday has now, 50,000 bombs and 25,000 dead ISIS fighters later, expanded to a whole new continent.

Libya: The US is now bombing a state it has already...

The US has launched a sustained bombing campaign around Sirte in Libya in a new escalation of the War on Terror. US officials are reported to be briefing that they plan to take a greater role in Libya as part of a long-term campaign against Islamic State.

West prepares new war in Libya!

By Bill Van Auken Five years after a US-NATO war shattered Libya, Washington is preparing to send troops into the oil-rich North African nation for...