Monday, 17 February , 2025


Bulgaria, allied with Turkey, threatens Greece

Bulgaria Reacts to Potential New Migrant Camp in Northern Greek Region of Serres By Nick Kampouris Mar 10, 2020 Bulgarian Foreign Minister Krasimir Karakachanov posted a status...

New clues to the lost tomb of Alexander the Great discovered...

Buried and forgotten for centuries, the foundation walls of a monumental building dating to the era of Alexander the Great have been uncovered in...

Integrity Initiative: New leaks show UK-funded project sought £5.5m for Balkans...

13 Feb, 2019 Hackers have released a sixth batch of Integrity Initiative leaks, this time focusing on how the project sought £5.5 million in funding...

Culture populaire

Par Panagiotis Grigoriou 30 janvier 2019 Le quotidien reprend parfois le pas sur le prétendu politique. De la situation, il faut parfois en rire, à défaut...

Tsipras et Zaev, prix Nobel de la Paix, ou la version...

Par Emmanuel Kosadinos 7 févr. 2019 Après la ratification de l’accord de Prespa par le Parlement grec, la « Macédoine du Nord » a signé un...

“Tsipras acheté”

Panagiotis Grigoriou Historien et Ethnologue 22 janvier 2019 L’heure du bilan, on y est presque. Bilan provisoire, déjà lourd. Le grand rassemblement populaire du dimanche violemment dispersé,...

NATO, church & brotherhood of arms: Vladimir Putin visits Belgrade

18 Jan, 2019 Russian President Vladimir Putin got a hero’s welcome in Belgrade. The one-day visit to the last holdout against NATO’s ambitions in the...

Ahead Of Serbia Visit, Putin Claims U.S. Is Playing Destabilizing Role...

January 16, 2019 Russian President Vladimir Putin alleged that the United States is destabilizing the Balkans by "asserting their dominant role" in the region, according...

US orchestrated unfair vote in FYROM’s parliament on name change

22 Oct, 2018 The Russian Foreign Ministry has said that the US orchestrated an “unfair vote” in the Macedonian parliament which approved the country’s name...

Qui veut gagner des millions de Soros ?

Par Panagiotis Grigoriou 20 Octobre 2018 Couleurs d’automne. Les feuilles tombent des arbres, tandis que des millions tombent paraît-il sur les Balkans... des caisses du financier...