Saturday, 20 April , 2024


Bernie Sanders raises $6mn on first day of campaign…and former Clinton...

21 Feb, 2019 A former adviser to Hillary Clinton suggested that Russia is supporting Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign, after the popular senator raised a whopping...

Et voilà … Le CRIF demande des « mesures drastiques pour...

Par Bruno Drwevski Et voilà ...on a eu les tags sur les affiches de l'icone de l'Europe Simone Veil, puis la profanation du monument à...

Fourteenth WAPE Forum: ’Class, State and Nation in the 21st Century’

19-21 July 2019, Winnipeg, Canada Hosted by the Geopolitical Economy Research Group, University of Manitoba, Canada Abstracts due: March 1, 2019 Keynote speakers include: Utsa Patnaik and...

Révoltes européennes : De Syriza aux Gilets Jaunes! (Réflexions, 8-2-2019)

Feb. 13, 2019 Rencontre-entretien entre Dimitrios KONSTANTAKOPOULOS, Journaliste, auteur, ancien membre de la direction du parti Syriza (Grèce) Journaliste, auteur, ancien membre de la direction...

Why France’s Yellow Vest Protests Are Ignored by “The Resistance” in...

by Max Parry January 4, 2019 “”The rich are only defeated when running for their lives.” — C.L.R. James, The Black Jacobins In less than two months, the...

Yellow vests: When the popular Classes defend their Nation

(read Part 1) By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 02/05/2019 This is one of the secrets behind the, up to now, remarkable success of the Yellow Vests. This is also,...

Culture populaire

Par Panagiotis Grigoriou 30 janvier 2019 Le quotidien reprend parfois le pas sur le prétendu politique. De la situation, il faut parfois en rire, à défaut...

France: A new stage for the Yellow Vests Revolution

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 02/04/2019 “Smile a bit, you are not in Athens”, Stéphane tells me while preparing to take a photo of me in the hall,...

Yellow Vests: From Facebook to the…”Soviets”, from Roads to Factories. The...

Commercy (Meuse), France by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Commercy is a small town in Lorraine, France. Here is the “deep France”, the deepest of all. Here people have...

Brésil : la vague réactionnaire

Entretien avec João Sette Whitaker Ferreira par Olivier Compagnon & Anaïs Fléchet le 18 janvier Absence de culture politique, faiblesse des institutions, poids des inégalités et...