Saturday, 4 May , 2024


Italian Airport Workers Stop Arms Shipment to Ukraine Under Guise of...

In Italy, workers discovered that weapons were being shipped to Ukraine under the pretense of sending “humanitarian aid” and have refused to hand them...

Humanitarian flights for Ukraine loaded with weapons, protesting airport workers claim

By Akash Maurya March 16, 2022 Airport workers in Italy claim “humanitarian” cargo from Pisa was actually aimed at fuelling the conflict One of Italy’s largest trade...

Russia warns of NATO nuclear threat

27 Jan, 2022 NATO is developing the capacity for devastating nuclear strikes against Russia – which includes involving members of the alliance who don't have...

Italy’s return of Parthenon fragment to Greece shakes up debate in...

Originally part of the Athens temple, the marble sculptures on display in the British Museum are at the center of a 200-year-old restitution dispute...

Sergio Cesaratto – Stability Pact: ‘EU and Germany must compensate us,...

Without a serious change in governance, there is a risk that the new rules of the Stability Pact will lead to a repetition of...

Two ways ahead for Europe and the former USSR | By...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Today we publish the second and final part of the interview with Sergei Yurievich Glaziev (You can read the first part of...

UE 2022: Paris et les autres

Vu d’Allemagne Le pilote de l’Europe, c’est bel et bien la France Handelsblatt (Düsseldorf) Paris prend les rênes du Conseil de l’Union européenne ce 1er janvier, pour...

La lutte des GKN*: « Arrêtons les délocalisations »

« L’assemblée permanente des travailleuses et des travailleurs de Gkn à Florence a voté le le 26 août devant les portes de l’établissement, un document...

Sergio Cesaratto – Those Italian subsidies for Germany

Italy has paid for certain ill-advised policies of the ECB – influenced by Berlin, the dominant power in Europe – with dozens of points...

Macron’s predatory deal with Draghi

France is exploiting the newly signed Quirinale Treaty for its own ends by Thomas Fazi 26November 2021 French president Emmanuel Macron will be in Rome today...