Wednesday, 24 April , 2024


NATO at the Helm of Italian Foreign Policy

By Manlio Dinucci Global Research, June 26, 2020 NATO Defense Ministers (Lorenzo Guerini, Pd representing Italy) gathered by videoconference on June17/18, and made a series of...

Le monde «de demain» ?

Par Danielle RIVA Mai 2020 Le monde a été surpris par une pandémie venue non pas du Haut moyen âge, mais du fond de la Chine...

EU Recovery Fund, Next Generation EU: Who shall benefit? | By...

As a follow up to the joint proposal of Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron on creating an EU Recovery Fund...

The rise of Asia and the polarisation of Global Forces: Western...

PART 3 (THE END) (Read Part I, Part II) Western Galaxy and Bandung Constellation The global bipolarity persists. However, E7 are not NEFOS (any more). So, we...

Espagne, France, Italie…les coutures de l’appareil politique se déchirent

May 6, 2020 Par Nuevo Curso.Traduit de l’Espagnole et commenté par:  les 7 du quebec This article is available in 5 languages on this webmagazine: 6.05.2020-nuevo-English-Italiano This article...

Spain, France, Italy… the seams of the political apparatus are tearing

Translated and commented by Robert Bibeau, Publisher of the webmagazine On: The bickering among the thuriferous The seams of the political apparatus of European countries...

La présidente de la Banque centrale européenne propose de revoir les...

19 mai 2020 Dans une interview, Christine Lagarde a salué le projet de relance de 500 milliards d'euros proposé lundi par les dirigeants français et...

From fields to supermarkets, solidarity with laborers on strike

On May 21, migrant agricultural workers across Italy are set to strike in protest over the new immigration rules announced by the government. These...

The rise of Asia and the polarisation of Global Forces: Western...

(Read Part I) G7 and E7, OLDEFOS and NEFOS Those forecasts reveal interesting points, at least two for the purpose of this essay: 1) The grouping of...

The Deadly Consequences of Neoliberalism: The Covid-19 Pandemic in Germany

May 16, 2020 Unlike the endless praises in the liberal and social democratic press in North America, the Covid-19 pandemic is relentlessly uncovering the weaknesses...