Saturday, 8 February , 2025


‘Single Payer Is a Rational Health-Care System’: An Interview With Bernie...

The senator from Vermont explains why there is now so much interest in bold reform of America’s health-care system. By John Nichols September 13, 2017 Bernie Sanders...

La Troika tue les Grecs!

LA CRISE ÉCONOMIQUE RACCOURCIT L’ESPÉRANCE DE VIE DES GRECS   Un groupe de chercheurs a étudié l'espérance de vie en 2030 dans 35 pays à travers...

Τhe Cuban Health, Literacy and Solidarity Miracle – Even the Enemy...

Cuba is an impoverished island that remains largely cut off from the world and lies about 4,500 miles from the West African nations where Ebola is spreading at an alarming rate. Yet, having pledged to deploy hundreds of medical professionals to the front lines of the pandemic, Cuba stands to play the most robust role among the nations seeking to contain the virus.

Vithoulkas on Man, Medicine and Society

On Man, Medicine, Society and Homeopathy (and also on the health of politicians and on money, power and health) a talk of George Vithoulkas with Dimitris Konstantakopoulos


DEMOCRATIC MENTAL HEALTH SOLIDARITY NETWORK // RESEAU EUROPEEN POUR UNE SANTE MENTALE DEMOCRATIQUE & SOLIDAIRE ======================================================== WHO WE ARE We are a group composed of activists and...