Tuesday, 22 October , 2024


US State Dept in Response to Turkish Allegations Says US Had...

by Kirill Kurevlev Feb. 5, 2020 The Turkish government has long put the blame for the coup on US-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen and his supporters,...

Religious faith in the ‘Mahdi’ could bring catastrophe to Turkey

By Ergun Babahan Jan 02 2020 Adnan Tanrıverdi, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s chief military adviser and the founder of the Turkish government-sponsored paramilitary company SADAT,...

Senate Bill To Ban F-35 Sales To Turkey An Unprecedented Attempt...

The fissure between Ankara and Washington is growing wider and what may come of it is anyone's guess. By Tyler Rogoway and Joseph Trevithick April...

Turkey: A “Jewish Terrorist Organization” Behind the Attempted Coup?

By Uzay Bulut Published first in providencemag.com/ The president of the California-based organization TURCA-Society of Turkish Americans, Vakkas Doğantekin, has verbally assaulted a Turkish immigrant selling...

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Leads US President Trump to War...

Can Generals James Mattis (US Secretary of Defense) and John Hyten (Head of US Strategic Command) Prevent a Disaster? 10.26.2017 Introduction Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and...

Former CIA officer says US policies helped create IS

Published in www.al-monitor.com American Graham Fuller emphasized that the West, including the United States, has now accepted that the Assad government will retain power....

Flynn, Turkey and Gulen

Mike Flynn secretly met Turkish oficials to plan illegal "dead of night" extradition of fugitive cleric By David Ferguson Former CIA Director James Woolsey said that...

Turkey, Let Us Not Celebrate Yet!

So many would like this to happen – to see Turkey go, to leave NATO, to break its psychological, political and economic dependency on the West. Now that Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his allies are quarreling with the United States and the EU, there is suddenly great hope that Turkey may thoroughly re-think its position in the world, strengthen its ties

Three major factors in Turkey’s failed coup

As the heat of the trauma has slowly started to cool down, an analysis of the bigger picture concerning the failed coup attempt of July 15 in Turkey is becoming possible. It is possible to analyze the situation, seemingly unprecedented in the history of coups d’état both on a global and national scale, with reference to three key factors. They are the following:

Russia debates Turkey

The following article was published in the Russian website Katehon. It is interesting in two aspects. First, it is expressing the viewpoint of a section of Russian elite. Second, as the writer makes a polemic against other currents inside Russian elite, he is helping us to understand better various schools of thought which compete for influence in both the Kremlin and Russian public at large.