Thursday, 24 October , 2024

Greek bail-out program

Mitsotakis peut-il devenir un “Thatcher grec”, et qui le pousse à...

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 8 mars 2021 Le gouvernement grec semble capable - et le seul capable - de provoquer une sorte de révolution dans le pays...

Can Mitsotakis become a “Greek Thatcher”, and who is pushing...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 8 March 2021 The Greek government seems capable  - and the only one capable - of provoking a kind of revolution in the...

The IMF admits it destroyed Greece along with Germany, European govenrments,...

The IMF’s admission of tragic errors in Greek bailout, the EU’s indifference 24 May 2019 By Dimitris Galanis In evaluating its programme to “rescue” Greece, the International...

Germany and the Banks destroy Greece (2010, 2015), now they want...

The article we are publishing below is the third in a series inspired by Costa Gavras' film Adults in the Room and the publication...

Goldman Sachs and Eurogroup 2015: Kafka in the Room!

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos March 17, 2020 In a previous article we argued that the Greek “bailout” program, the Loan Agreements and the “memorandum of understanding” imposed...

Eurogroup 2015: the birth of post-modern totalitarianism

By Dimitis Konstantakopoulos March 12, 2020 If there was a tribunal for crimes during peacetime similar to the Nuremberg Tribunal, one of the first cases to...

Greece: Drone soars over thousands of ‘NO’ protesters as referendum looms...

Ruptly’s drone captured thousands of people flooding Syntagma Square in Athens, Friday, in support of a ‘no’ vote in the upcoming bailout referendum. Greek...

La crise grecque : Première «bataille» d’une «guerre» pour l’Europe –...

De Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 20 Mars 2010 «Nous ne mourrons pas pour Dantzig», disaient les Français il y a soixante-dix ans. «Nous ne paierons pas pour les...

La crise de la dette grecque est-elle enfin terminée ?

The Greek Debt Crisis is Finally Over. Or Is It? Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 04.07.2018 La Grèce existe encore, même décapitée, sans chefs, ni forces ou intellectuels capables...

The Greek Debt Crisis is Finally Over. Or Is It?

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 04.07.2018 Greece still exists, albeit decapitated, without leaders, forces, or intellectuals to articulate its truth and its rights. And as it has proved,...