Wednesday, 23 October , 2024


CBS, the Empire of Finance, Blinken and China. Media owners want...

How CBS’s Norah O’Donnell tried to out-hawk Antony Blinken on China The 60 Minutes anchor repeatedly tried to bait the secretary of state into taking...

Comment la bourse de New York s’est enrichie extrêmement avec la...

Par Nomi Prins 12 Janvier 2021 Parfois les choses n’ont de sens que lorsqu’on les voit à travers une loupe. Il se trouve que je pense...

Will 2021 be public banking’s watershed moment?

By Ellen Brown April 12, 2021 Faced with the dire Covid-19 crisis, some lawmakers are starting to see publicly-owned banks as the key to ensuring an...

America Abandoned Its Economic Prophet. The World Embraced Him | By...

John Kenneth Galbraith was an intellectual celebrity 50 years ago—and it would be a mistake to ignore him today January 15, 2021 U.S. President-elect Joe...

The rise of financial parasitism and the emergence of fascism

By Nick Beams 26 January 2021 In his report “The Trump coup and the rise of fascism: Where is America going?” David North traced out the...

BlackRock, qui sont ces financiers qui dirigent le monde ?

29/09/2019 En dehors de Wall Street, qui connaît BlackRock, le plus puissant gestionnaire d'actifs de la planète ? Enquête sur un acteur discret mais influent de...

The paradox of the Wall Street surge

By Nick Beams 10 June 2020 Monday saw the emergence of what appears to be a striking paradox. On that day, the National Bureau of Economic...

Surviving the decline of the American Empire

Michael Hudson is the President of The Institute for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trends (ISLET), a Wall Street Financial Analyst, Distinguished Research Professor...

Cryptomonnaie : “Il faut démanteler Facebook”

Par Gilles Babinet et Michelle Abraham et Grégory Raymond 14 juin 2019 Est-ce que demain nous ferons nos courses non plus en euros ou en...

L’infâme visage des transnationales

Par Jorge Molina Araneda et Patricio Mery Bell. 1.05.2020 J.K. Galbraith, dans son ouvrage le nouvel état industriel (1967), a déclaré que les grandes entreprises allaient...