Friday, 14 February , 2025

European Left

Mitsotakis peut-il devenir un “Thatcher grec”, et qui le pousse à...

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 8 mars 2021 Le gouvernement grec semble capable - et le seul capable - de provoquer une sorte de révolution dans le pays...

Can Mitsotakis become a “Greek Thatcher”, and who is pushing...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 8 March 2021 The Greek government seems capable  - and the only one capable - of provoking a kind of revolution in the...

Spanish rapper convicted over tweets arrested after ignoring prison deadline

By Alfonso L. Congostrina 16 Feb 2021 Catalan police on Tuesday arrested a rapper for failing to report to prison by the deadline set by a...

The Elephant in the Room

Left Parties and the European Union by Asbjørn Wahl Dec 01, 2020 European left parties have, over the last couple of decades, become increasingly critical of political...

The Pandemic Is Making the European Union More Integrated – And...

In recent years, the air of optimism surrounding the European Union has been replaced by continual crisis management. Yet the pandemic, the financial crisis,...

European radical left makes itself superfluous

By Herman Michiel (*) Aug. 3, 2020 On 23 July, the vast majority of the Left Group (GUE/NGL) in the European Parliament approved, together with the...

Tsipras-SYRIZA: Transforming Greece into a US-Israeli colony and military base

Israel, Greece Constructing New Radar System on Crete, Report Says Greek newspaper says both countries will have access to information from the long-range marine system Mar...

Parliament vote condemns police brutality against peaceful protesters

The European Parliament has condemned the excessive force and violence* used by police forces on peaceful protesters across Europe in recent times which have...

Debates in Diem25

Juan Carlos M. Coll 11/11/2018 Adiós DiEM25, adiós Varoufakis. Después de habernos ilusionado con el proyecto de Varoufakis y haber sido activistas de DiEM25 nos enfrentamos a...

De l’intérieur des murs – lettre d’Athènes,par Dimitris Alexakis

Par Dimitris Alexakis Aug. 23, 2018 Dans cette lettre sont exposés les motifs qui poussent l’auteur à décliner l’invitation à participer à des rencontres autour de...