Tuesday, 23 April , 2024


The Challenges of the Left in the current juncture. Debates between...

Source: Resumen Latinoamericano / The Dawn News / May 17, 2016. Last April 15 in the IMPA(1) headquarters and with a large turnout, an open...

“Social Movements in the political renewal”

Boaventura de Sousa Santos is a Doctor in Sociology of Law and professor at the University of Coimbra, Portugal. Theoretical and practical analyst of...

Marxist-Christian Symposium on Common Challenges in Europe

By Michael Löwy The election of Pope Francis obviously created a new climate for the relations between the Church and the European Left. At the...

France – End of an Era

Paris 'night communes' springing up all over the city and the country, and across the border in Belgium. "This government, which is supposed to be...

Crisis in Spain – a letter from San Sebastian

Οur friend and member of the Delphi Initiative, former MEP Inaki Irazabalbeitia has send the following letter to the editorial board concerning political events...

Bringing The IMF Into The Eurozone Crisis Was Political Bankruptcy

By Gustav Horn It was wrong from the start. Going on the incorrect assumption that the Eurozone crisis could only be overcome with the help...

Europe – Are the EU and Euro on the Verge of...

By Peter Koenig This article is dedicated to Greece, to the Greek people, as they have been victimized by a set of white collar criminal...

The New French Labour Law

  A new labour law, commonly referred to as the ‘El Khomri law’ after the French Minister of Labour, Myriam El Khomri, has generated significant...

The aftermath of the terror attacks

  The Brussels terror attacks have provoked various reactions and very different comments around Europe and in the world. One obvious conclusion is that Europeans can...

Brexit versus Grexit: Hypocrisies in the European Project

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark There is an undercurrent that links both the conservatives and some on the left who have been keen to see states...