Tuesday, 22 October , 2024


The Origins of European Neoliberalism

The real source of neoliberalism in Europe is neither technocracy nor hegemony but a problem specific to the continent: intergovernmentalism By Nicholas Mulder On December 18,...

The Revolt of the South, or the imperative to build a...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 04/11/2020 Spanish (Socialist) Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has now taken the initiative to call for more solidarity inside the EU to confront the...

Germany and the Banks destroy Greece (2010, 2015), now they want...

The article we are publishing below is the third in a series inspired by Costa Gavras' film Adults in the Room and the publication...

Goldman Sachs and Eurogroup 2015: Kafka in the Room!

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos March 17, 2020 In a previous article we argued that the Greek “bailout” program, the Loan Agreements and the “memorandum of understanding” imposed...

Eurogroup 2015: the birth of post-modern totalitarianism

By Dimitis Konstantakopoulos March 12, 2020 If there was a tribunal for crimes during peacetime similar to the Nuremberg Tribunal, one of the first cases to...

Greece: Drone soars over thousands of ‘NO’ protesters as referendum looms...

Ruptly’s drone captured thousands of people flooding Syntagma Square in Athens, Friday, in support of a ‘no’ vote in the upcoming bailout referendum. Greek...

Varoufakis recordings: Eurogroup dirty laundry to be released March 10

February 21, 2020 “You can hear Schaeuble’s voice saying that the profits from Greek bonds he wanted for the German budget,” Yanis Varoufakis revealed...

Eurogroup: A ruthless gang

By Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos Ambassador ad honorem October 18,2018 Reading the last book of Y.Varoufakis,”Adults in the Room-My Battle with Europe’s Deep Establishment”,the interest of the reader may...

Varoufakis is considering to release his secret Eurogroup recordings

September 6, 2019 Former finance minister and founder of MeRA25, Yanis Varoufakis, is considering to upload on internet his secret recordings from the Eurogroup meetings...

Europe, dictature technocratique? Costa Gavras

Nov.4, 2019 Lire aussi La gauche européenne et la tragédie grecque La crise grecque : Première «bataille» d’une «guerre» pour l’Europe – un texte de 2010